We now have the benefit of Historic records at our fingertips today. History is behind us! We have PROOF the prophecies were fulfilled in the exact years as well as the exact manner the Bible said they would be. As Christians, we now need to take the advantage of these historic records. We need to use the history books to prove these facts so as to share with those that do not believe. It will bless them. It will open eyes. It will fill God's church. It will make Heaven that much better to have them there when Heaven starts.

Before investigating the prophetic symbols that describe the characteristics of Antichrist, we need to understand that the Word of God tell us how to define symbols in prophecy. 2 Peter 1:20 says that, " prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." According to the Word, Christians are told not to give our own opinion of what a prophetic symbol means. We must allow the Word of God to define it's own symbols. Our private interpretations are useless. For example, the term "many waters" in prophecy doesn't mean a large lake or ocean, the word "woman" does not mean an actual woman. They are symbolic images hidden in plain site so as to prevent the wicked from knowing the truth about the times we live in. If they knew it, they would be more effective in their attack against God's remnant people, and that much more effective in twisting God's Word..

Truth is, there are 404 verses in the book of Revelation, and out of those 404 verses, 278 of them carry the bulk of the prophetic message of that book. Did you know that all 278 of those verses can be found almost word for word in all the other books of the Bible? In other words, THE BIBLE DEFINES ITSELF PERFECTLY! Each symbol in Daniel, Revelation, or any other prophetic book are defined in detail in God's Word. So, don't let anyone give you their "opinion" or "interpretation" when preaching such things. We must always let the Word define the Word! That's an easy way to expose false teachers. Just hear what they have to say, and then open a Bible and see if what they say matches up with what the Lord says regarding a certain symbol.

So... what does the Word of God have to say about all those symbols that define certain desires, characteristics, and plans of Antichrist? And does History confirm the prophecy authentic?

See ELEVEN of the most powerful prophecies from this page on VIDEO!   This entire page is now available in Chinese   
This page is now available in the book titled, "Characteristics of Antichrist."



Exterminates 3 nations

Antichrist destroys 3 nations after Rome falls


Rome will concede to it

Antichrist receives it's seat and authority from Rome


Political & religious in one

Antichrist is both political & religious power


Will reside on 7 hills

Antichrist will have his church & state sit on 7 hills


Rules for 1260 years

Antichrist is to rule the world for 1260 years


Will receive mortal wound

Antichrist is wounded after 1260 year reign


Mortal wound will heal

Antichrist receives "deadly wound" which later heals


Was.. is not... yet is

Antichrist is the beast "that was, is not, yet is"


Will blaspheme

Antichrist is to be a blasphemous power


Will expect worship

Antichrist will be able to charm the world to worship him.


Dark Sentences

Antichrist will understand the "dark sentences" of hell


Says Jesus had not flesh

Antichrist declares Jesus has not come in the flesh


Craftiness and deceit

Antichrist is to use craftiness and deceit in a major way



Preaches another Jesus

Antichrist is to preach 'another Jesus' unto all




Antichrist controls a man who's name will add to 666



Will hate the Bible

Antichrist hates Bible and anyone that uses it



Will kill Christians

Antichrist has a church that makes war with the saints 



All wonder after him

Antichrist is a world power which the world "wonders after"



Will embrace Babylon

Antichrist is a "Christian" church mixed with Babylon



Will join with all kings

Antichrist must join with the "kings of the Earth"



Will mock Jesus

Antichrist will mock Christ so as to confuse the unlearned. 



Antichrist hates women

Antichrist's men will be homosexual



Forces Remnant to hide

Antichrist forces Christians into hiding for 1260 years!



Will be a mother church

Antichrist is a "mother" church that spawns many errors!



Try's changing times & law

Antichrist seeks to tamper with and change times & laws



Will use Sorcery - Pharmacy

Antichrist will use drugs on the masses to control them


Antichrist will destroy three complete nations out of the original ten of fallen Rome.

Daniel identifies immediately that the horns in this vision actually refer to kings. For further confirmation, later in Daniel 8:20 we see the two horns on the ram Daniel sees in vision are in fact the two kings of Media and Persia. When Pagan Rome fell in 476AD it resulted in the formation of TEN SEPARATE KINGDOMS. Three of these ten kingdoms rejected the idea of a "universal / Catholic faith" that was both religious as well as political so as to better control the people of the fallen nation of Rome. They were annihilated for protesting against such an evil entity. 1. Heruli nation was annihilated in 493AD. 2. Vandals in 534AD. 3. Ostrogoths in 538AD were the final of the three kings that would be subdued just as Daniel prophesied. With the fall of the Ostrogoths in the year 538AD the political entity we today refer to as the "Roman Catholic institution," began it's official reign as the last part of this fourth beast mentioned in the prophecy of Daniel.

THE TEN HORNS that came to be after Rome fell:

  1. The Alamannis which is now called Germany
  2. The Visigoths which is now called Spain
  3. The Franks which is now called France
  4. The Sueves which is now called Portugal
  5. The Burgundians which is now called Switzerland
  6. The Anglo Saxons which is now called England
  7. The Lombards which is now called Italy
  8. The Ostrogoths
  9. The Vandal
  10. The Herulis

Historic records reveal...



"The three divisions which were plucked up where the Heruli in 493 the vandals and 534 and the Ostrogoths in 538. Justinian, the emperor, who we see was at Constantinople, working through the general Belisarius, was the power that overthrough the three kingdoms represented by the three horns, and the reason for their overthrow with their adherence to Arianism in opposition to the orthodox Catholic faith." - the book of Daniel, page 109

"Vigilius...ascended the papal chair (538 A.D.) under the military protection of Belisarius." History of the Christian Church, Vol. 3, p. 327 

Catholic emperors of the eastern empire found ways to help the pope by eliminating three of the Arian tribes. (These "Arian type" nations would not agree with the popes plans) The Catholic emperor Zeno (474-491) arranged a treaty with the Ostrogoths in 487 which resulted in the eradication of the kingdom of the Arian Heruls in 492. And the catholic emperor Justinian (527-565) exterminated the Arian Vandals in 534 and signifcally broke the power of the Arian Ostrogoths in 538. Thus were Daniels three horns - The Heruls, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths - "plucked up by the roots." -C. Mervyn Maxwell, God Cares Vol. 1, p. 129



The Lord shows Daniel many years prior that after the fall of the pagan kindgom of Rome, or the fourth Global kindgom, would arise another power that would seek to regain this Global kingdom for its own evil purposes. Daniel saw that when pagan Rome fell it would split into ten separate kindgoms. He even saw that three of the nations that were part of that split, wouldn’t go along with new plans to regain this global kingdom. What type of kingdom was this that was so evil that three nations were willing to die to prevent it's rise? We will discuss this in detail later. And just as Daniel was shown by the Lord, it all happened with perfect timing. History records perfectly every step of Rome in this regard. This is what's so amazing about studying prophecy in the last days. We have HISTORY to look back on! We can actually match historic events with prophetic utterances in the Word of the Christian God.



Antichrist is to receive it's "seat" and authority from Rome.

Who is this dragon in prophecy? According to Revelation 12:9 it is Satan. And as we know, Satan never stands before man in his true form. He is not allowed this option. (1 Corinthians 10:13 explains why) So he must possess men to do his will. At this time the dragon was attacking the Christian faith, it was Rome it chose to administer it's hatred. This is not something anyone needs convincing of. It is an open fact of historic record.  Fact is, even the Gospel portrays this definition of the true identity of the dragon at this time as well...

Rome most assuredly allowed the dragon's will to be enacted back then just as it does today. Rome is all the dragon can hope to become. Pagan Rome is his masterpiece. Looking at the Pope's of today, as well as times past, one can see absolute Roman rule runs through the veins of this hierarchy. The clothing, the architecture, the laws, the belief structure, the art, the lifestyles, the pharmacudical religiosity, the political savvy, the global reach. All of it proves this prophecy fulfilled in Roman Catholicism. In fact, Pope Pius IX couldn't have been more accurate when he said...



Pope Pius IX, in his "Discorsi" (I., p. 253), said:  "The Caesar who now addresses you, and to whom alone are obedience and fidelity due."



 This has to be the only thing I like about the leaders of Roman Catholicism. They are so blinded by their hatred of the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:10,11) that they actually make statements they have no idea allows the Remnant Christians a way to expose them in such an exacting manner. They truly have no clue when they expose themselves as Antichrist by admitting to doing those things prophecy proclaims Antichrist will do. For that, I am forever appreciative. For I have seen MANY come out of Rome by merely showing them a prophecy, and then showing them a statement made by their very own leaders!



Speaking of the time, about 500 A.D., when the Roman Empire was crumbling to pieces:] "No, the [Catholic] Church will not descend into the tomb. It will survive the Empire . . . At length a second empire will arise, and of this empire the Pope will be the master--more then this, he will be the master of Europe. He will dictate his orders to kings who will obey them"--Andrea Lagarde, The Latin Church in the Middle Ages, 1915, p. vi.



This statement penned in 1915 was boldly accurate of the desires of evil men. For the author stated, "he will be the master of Europe.." And today, this is an open and obvious fact! Soon this empire of Rome will spread all throughout the world.

Need anymore proof? The Pope declares himself CAESAR and then declares obedience and fidelity are due him and him alone? This is Caesar's heart incarnate! For the Caesar's of Rome truly believed they were god's on earth! And today, this is the case with the popes of Rome. I will prove that in graphic detail later. Another blunt fact is, Emperor Justinian gave the keys of Rome to the Pope when he decreed that a Pope should rule over all the Christian churches of the earth in A.D. 538, as well as the people of the world. Daniel's vision, and Revelation's woman on a beast was born that day.




As the ten kingdoms of Rome were falling apart, there was an emperor Justinian who was worried about his crumbling empire. He has a General Bellsarius under his thumb who he devises a plan with during the wars that resulted in the unrest of Rome's fall. They decided that if they can get into the city of Rome they will banish the bishop of Rome so as to allow for a takeover that would allow the new system of "ROMAN Catholicism" to be set up. They needed this system because they felt they had no more political power to control the people. So they devised a plan that would give them Religious as well as political strength. One fateful day while Bellsarius is fighting, the bishop of Rome proclaims that he will not allow any fighting within his city. This Bishop loves his people and proceeds to close the gates and refuses to have anything to do with the war just outside the city. The fighting on this day is particularly strenuous however. The Goths had pushed back Bellsarius and his fighters all the way to the walls of what was left of the city of Rome. It looked hopeless, it looked as if Bellsarius was going to be wiped out completely. So, Bellsarius scurried off a note to his superior Justinian, saying, "save us!" Justinian's wife is a Christian who happens to be a friend of the bishop of Rome. Justinian pleads with his wife to ask the bishop of Rome to open the gates of the city so that Bellsarius and his men can enter inside so as not to be wiped out by the Goth's. Out of respect for her bishop, Salverius of Rome opens the gates of the city to allow Bellsarius and his army into the city to spare their lives. Justinian and Bellsarius however had already agreed that once inside the city they would banish the bishop of Rome. So once inside they  did indeed follow through on their plans. They banished the bishop and put their own man Vigilius who was not a Christian on the seat of bishop and proclaimed him Pope that very day. And there you have it, just as this prophecy of Revelation 13:4 predicted. In the year 538 AD the official beginning of the Roman Catholic church and state conglomeration prophetically began. -(Generalized Information taken from Hope Beyond 2000 Video series "Rise of the little horn of Daniel 7 -Kenneth Cox) (Disclaimer: This is "early" Kenneth Cox material. This ministry does not condone some of the recent material coming from the ministry of Kenneth Cox.

In 538AD, the year when the Ostrogoths collapsed, it was out of the smoking ruins of the western Roman Empire and after the overthrow of the three Arian kingdoms that the pope of Rome emerged as the most important single individual in the West, the head of a closely organized church with a carefully defined creed and with vast potential for political influence. Dozens of writers have pointed out that the real survivor of the ancient Roman Empire was the Church of Rome. -E.G. McKenzie, "Catholic Church" p. 14.




Antichrist is both a political and religious power.

In prophecy, a woman is defined as a church...

We also understand the Church of Jesus Christ is considered to be the "Bride of Christ" because of many areas of Scriptures that describe her as such. It is also commonly understood that prophecy defines a beast to be a nation.

Even in today's world, nations are described as beasts? The USA is seen as an eagle. Russia is likened unto a bear, and China even carries the image of a dragon.

Many years ago Daniel was given a great vision about all the nations of the earth till the end of time. In this vision he saw the last beast to be "diverse from all the others." (Daniel 7:19) But how diverse would it be? According to Revelation 17:3 as we have already seen, this beast will have a woman riding it. Since prophecy defines a woman as a church, and a beast as a nation. Is there such an entity described in history? Is there a church and state mixed together as one some place today? Yes there is. Only one place on earth has ever done this. The Vatican of the Roman Catholic church has been established upon this type of union, and is now finalizing plans to use this prophecied church & state structure to obtain global rule in the place of pagan Rome.


Antichrist will have his church & state sit on 7 hills

Now before I define these seven heads I would like to remind you that I am not giving my "private interpretation" of this prophetic symbol. The Word of God states we are never to do this. (See 2Peter 1:20) According to Revelation, that beast the woman is sitting on, that we already defined as the Vatican church & state conglomerate, will have seven heads. But how does prophecy define those seven heads? Look just a few verses lower to find out. The Angel that is showing John this vision actually tells him point blank what those heads actually mean.

Looking into the STRONG'S CONCORDANCE, how is that word "mountains" defined?

STRONG'S # 3735

 3735 oros {or'-os} probably from an obsolete oro (to rise or "rear", perhaps akin to 142, cf 3733); TDNT - 5:475,732; n n

  AV - mountain 41, mount 21, hill 3; 65

So the word "mountain" can also be translated out as a hill. Is there a church and state sitting on seven hills somewhere on this world?



"It is within the city of Rome, called The City on Seven Hills, that the entire area of Vatican State Proper is now confined" The Catholic Encyclopedia, p. 529.

~"" website answers the query... "What are the seven hills of Rome?"

Rome is known to be built upon seven hills. Rome was said to have been founded when Romulus and Remus, twin sons of Mars, ended up at the foot of the hill Palatine and founded the city. The other six hills are Capitoline (the seat of government), Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, Caelian, and Aventine.

Query ~ Seven Hills of Rome

" of hills on or about which the ancient city of Rome was built. The original city of Romulus was built upon Palatine Hill (#1) (Latin: Mons Palatinus). The other hills are the Capitoline,(#2) Quirinal, (#3) Viminal,(#4) Esquiline,(#5) Caelian,(#6) and Aventine (#7) (known respectively in Latin as the Mons Capitolinus, Mons Quirinalis, Mons Viminalis, Mons Esquilinus, Mons Caelius, and Mons Aventinus)." -



Understand first that Daniel 7:23 tells us this Beast will be "diverse from all kingdoms." How diverse you ask? As we define the prophetic symbols we understand this woman that is sitting on the beast is actually a church and a NATION combined. It is what Daniel said. There will be a kingdom that will arise that will be TOTALLY DIFFERENT than any other kingdom that ever existed on Earth. The Vatican fits this perfectly! Never was there a nation that was both a nation and a church that the same time! NEVER! And even if there was, did it have SEVEN HILLS to sit on as we see Rome Italy has being doing since its inception? Do a search online for "SEVEN HILLS' and you will see numerous pages with maps of the city of ROME!


Antichrist is to rule the world for 1260 years.

Revelation 13:5 speaks of this time as forty two months. These forty two months of Rev 13:5 and the "time, and times and dividing a time" of Daniel 7:25 equal the exact same thing. 42 months actually equates to 3½ years. Looking closely, one can see this, A "time (one year) and times (+ two years) and the dividing of time, (+ half a year ) That's a "time" + "times" + "dividing of a time", which equals 3½ years, or forty two months. (12+24 + 6 = 42 months) Revelation 12:6 confirms this calculation when it says that the church of Jesus would hide in the wilderness for exactly 1260 days. 42 months, or 3½ years equals 1260 days.

Still, some will say that 42 months does NOT equal 1260 days because all our months do not equal 30 days each.  The fact here is, prophecy speaks of Biblical months. To understand the forty and two months, or the time, and times and diving a time, that the beast will reign, we must first find the method of time the Bible declares for prophecy. Looking in Genesis 7:11, we find the Bible says the rains of Noah started on the 17 day of the 2nd month, remember that date. In Genesis 8:3,4 we find the water receded at the end of exactly 150 days. Then it says the ark rested on the 17th day of the 7th month. That's exactly 5 months to the very day. If we divide the 150 days, by the 5 months, we will get 30 days per month. So 42 months multiplied by 30 equals 1260. And again, when you look in Revelation 12:6, it confirms the calculation to be valid. It actually says the children of God will be hiding in the wilderness for exactly 1260 days! However, we are not done. A day in prophecy actually equals a year. God says in Ezekiel 4:6 "I have appointed thee each day for a year..." and in Numbers 14:34 it says, "...After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, " So, according to Ezekiel 4:6, and Number 14:34, that's 1260 years that Papal Rome would reign, and during this reign it will kill many Christians.

And yes, some will say that this is just my opinion, or interpretation. They will say that the only way this "day for a year" idea can be valid is if history proves it out. So... does it? Well first we need to find out when the Roman Catholic church became a "woman on a beast" and capable of ruling in both the political as well as religious realm. Why? This is when she has her full power according to Revelation



"Vigilius...ascended the papal chair (538 A.D.) under the military protection of Belisarius." History of the Christian Church, Vol. 3, p. 327



Historical records reveal the papacy began its reign in 538 AD upon Emperor Justinian's decree, and under the military protection of Belisarius. And the Bible says the beast will rule for EXACTLY 1260 years before receiving a mortal wound. Now it's just a matter of simple mathematics. It is also a grand method by which to see the Lord glorified. If the prophecy is correct, 1260 years after 538 AD the Beast must receive a mortal wound. Did this happen? can the prophecy be that accurate?

If you add 1260 years to the beginning year the Roman Catholic church had "absolute" power as a church and state in 538 AD, you will arrive in the exact year 1798 AD. So, according to the prophecy we are told the first reign of the Beast will last until the year 1798 . So, did it end in 1798, and how?



"In 1798 General Berthier made his entrance into Rome, abolished the papal government, and established a secular one." -Encyclopedia Britannica 1941 edition



That's Exactly 42 prophetic months, or 1260 years, or a time, and times, and dividing a time after the Papacy began its powerful reign that the Pope "shall go into captivity" by the military! This not only confirms the "day for a year" issue, it also glorifies the Lord like no other prophecy can. It's that accurate!

One more thing must be brought up here to further validate the "day for a year" issue in prophecy. Looking at the 2300 day prophecy of Daniel 8:14 one must realize that after studying up all the factors of the prophecy and the events that happen within those 2300 "days", it is highly impossible to have occurred over such a short time. This is what the general rule of thought is today that the day for a year issue is a lie, and it WAS 2300 literal DAYS and not years. So is this true? Was it only days and not years?

To quickly touch on this I will only mention in passing what the student of prophecy is already aware of. During this prophetic period of 2300 days we see three global governments coming to power, one at a time. The two horned ram (Medo-Persia), the he goat (Greece) and the little horn (papal Rome) must defeat ALL their global enemies and then sit in power as a world wide ruler individually during this 2300 prophetic days. If the 2300 prophetic days are actually 24 hour literal days as some theologians suggest, then all these global entities must do all that they did on a global scale within 6 YEARS AND 3.8 MONTHS! Think about that for a moment. Medo-Persia must become a nation. Defeat all their global enemies, and then sit as a world wide power over all peoples nations and tongues. Then Alexander the Great must run rampant across the globe for Greece, and he too must defeat all their enemies. Then they too must sit as global rulers for a time. Then the Roman power (after Pagan Rome falls of course) which is now ruled by Papal Rome must defeat all its enemies, and it too must then take the seat as the undisputed global governing power for a time. And all of this happens in less then six and a half years? Even an Atheist opening a history book will tell you that simply didn't happen. But if you look at it over the course of 2300 YEARS, as the prophecy perfectly predicts, then yes, it fits perfectly in time and proves the prophecy sure!

By the way, this prophecy also confirms the next prophecy. Revelation 13:3 declares that this beast will receive a mortal wound and the end of its reign of terror. And in 1798 this truly happened RIGHT ON TIME!


 After the 1260 years, the beast will be mortally wounded.

The prophecy is telling us that the beast would be destroyed with the sword (sword = military in this instance) at the end of its reign of exactly 1260 years of killing Christians. We just learned by the previous prophecy that this did in fact occur. But to further illustrate the fact that the prophecy also said the beast must go into captivity and die there, we find that history does tell us that the pope was removed from the Vatican, was placed in exile, and then died.



Pope dies: August 1799:
Fact: Documented Roman Catholic source states  -"Half Europe thought... that with the Pope the Papacy was dead." -Joseph Rickaby "The Modern Papacy" Lectures on the History of Religion, Lecture 24, (London Catholic Truth Society, 1910), p.1 



Again, this happened Exactly 42 prophetic months, or 1260 years, or a time, and time, and dividing a time after the Papacy began its powerful reign as a "woman on a beast" that the Pope did finally "...go into captivity" by the military of that day, and later did in fact die because of the actions brought forth by the "sword" or military strength of Napoleon.


Antichrist receives "deadly wound" that later heals.  

As we just saw, the "deadly wound" was given to the Papacy by Napoleon in 1798. The Vatican still continued as a church however. But she was completely stripped of her civil and political power just as the prophecy declared. Then, suddenly in 1929, we see the Italian government recognizing Vatican City once again as an independent state. This political move once again made the Pope a religio-political power! Just as prophecy said, the mortal wound that was administered in 1798 by Napoleon was supposed to be healed. Notice how the newspapers of that day actually used prophetic language without realizing it..



Mussolini and (Cardinal) Gasspari sign historic Roman pact. 
"The Roman question tonight was a thing of the past, and the Vatican was at peace with Italy... In affixing the autographs to the memorable document healing the wound of many years, extreme cordiality was displayed on both sides" -The San Francisco Chronicle. Feb. 11, 1929 

Pope Becomes Ruler Of A State Again

Rome, June 7.--From 11 o' clock this morning there was another sovereign independent State in the world. At that time Premier Mussolini, as Italian Foreign Minister representing King Victor Emmanuel--the first Italian Premier ever to cross the threshold of the Vatican--exchanged with Cardinal Gasparri, Papal Secretary of State, representing Pope Pius XI, ratifications of the treaties signed at the Lateran Palace on Feb. 11. By that simple act the sovereign independent State of Vatican City came into existence. -New York Times July 7, 1929



FACT: Many know that the devil always seeks to mock or counterfeit the Truth in the Word of God relating to Christ and His ministry. For example.. the virgin birth was counterfeited by the birth of Tammuz the son of Nimrod on December 25. Have you ever noticed this though? Jesus walked the earth exactly 3.5 years before being killed. He then resurrected just as prophecy declared He would. The Antichrist walked about killing people for exactly 3.5 prophetic years, or 1260 days, which is actually 1260 years in reality. His "main man" the Pope is then "killed" by Napoleon when he dies in exile and the Vatican is no longer in power. But the Antichrist also resurrected in 1929! This prophetic jurisprudence is no mistake. Plus, it now leads to my favorite prophecy of all when exposing Rome and it's true Satanic fruit.


The beast is one that "was", "is not" and "yet is"

This prophecy is so blunt, and to the point there is no need of explaining it if in fact the one studying these facts has already investigated the three previous prophecies that defined each state of this beast's existence throughout history.


Antichrist is to be a blasphemous power




"The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of flesh." Catholic National July 1895.

"We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty" ...Pope Leo XIII Encyclical Letter of June 20, 1894,

"For thou art the shepherd, thou art the physician, thou art the director, thou art the husbandman, finally thou art another God on earth." Labbe and Cossart's "History of the Councils." Vol. XIV, col. 109

The title "Lord God the Pope" is found within a gloss of
Extravagantes of Pope John XXII, title 14, chapter 4
In an Antwerp edition of the Extravagantes, the words, "Dominum Deum Nostrum Papam" (Our Lord God the Pope) can be found in column 153. In a Paris edition, they are found in column 140.

The Bull Unam Sanctam... Issued by POPE BONIFACE VIII reads as follows:  "The Roman Pontiff judges all men, but is judged by no one. We declare, assert, define and pronounce: to be subject to the Roman Pontiff is to every human creature necessary for salvation that which was spoken of Christ 'thou has subdued all things under his feet' may well seem verified in me... I have the authority of the King of Kings. I am all in all and above all, so that God himself and I, the vicar of God, have but one consistory, and I am able to do all that God can do."

"The Saviour Himself is the door of the sheepfold: 'I am the door of the sheep.' Into this fold of Jesus Christ, no man may enter unless he be led by the Sovereign Pontiff; and only if they be united to him can men be saved, for the Roman Pontiff is the Vicar of Christ and His personal representative on earth." (Pope John XXIII in his homily to the Bishops and faithful assisting at his coronation on November 4, 1958).



Of course these are but a few quick quotes of the popes proving they believe they are God on earth. I have dozens more on my "words of a beast" page. What amazes me is, if some small cult leader was to proclaim himself God on earth, the authorities would snatch him up in a heartbeat. Yet the popes of Rome can proclaim this lie for almost 2000 years and no one seems to mind. ( See this 4 minute video on this topic )

By the way, claiming to be God on earth is only one biblical definition of blasphemy. Another is claiming to have the power to "forgive men sins." Mark 2:7, states, "Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?" Is it possible the Roman Catholic Vatican does this as well? Can prophecy be that accurate and exposing of this evil entity? Yes it can! The "confessional" of the Roman Catholic Church is indeed yet another identifiable feature exposing the Vatican as Antichrist's dwelling. They openly declare a MAN dressed as a priest has the power to FORGIVE SINS of men!



"This judicial authority will even include the power to forgive sin." [The Catholic Encyclopaedia Vol 12, -article "Pope" pg 265]

"And God himself is obliged to abide by the judgment of his priest and either not to pardon or to pardon, according as they refuse to give absolution, provided the penitent is capable of it." -Liguori, «Duties and Dignities of the Priest», p.27




Antichrist is to be able to influence entire world to worship him

To worship is to be in agreement with that which you worship. Are not all Christians in agreement that the Lord Jesus is correct in His Truth? Strong's Concordance defines the word worship in this way...

Strongs # 4345

 4352 proskuneo {pros-koo-neh'-o} from 4314 and a probable derivative of 2965 (meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master's hand); TDNT - 6:758,948; v

AV - worship 60; 60

  1. to kiss the handto (towards) one, in token of reverence
  2. among the Orientals, esp. the Persians, to fall upon the knees and touch the ground with the forehead as an expression of profound reverence
  3. in the NT by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance, whether in order to express respect or to make supplication

Worship can be done by simple agreement, however, it can also be done by an open act. In Daniel 3 we see that as fact when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow before the statue King Nebuchadneezar set up before the people. The entire nation bowed of course, but those three students of Daniel bluntly refused. Were they fanatics as some would call them today? Or was God about to define that act as an open act of worship regardless of what the person felt in his heart?

For example, do you honestly believe ALL those people worshipped that idol the king set up that day merely because he asked them to? Could it be the majority of them were bowing out of fear and not worship? Truth is, the king stated plainly in Daniel 3:6 that, "...whoso falleth not down and worshippeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace." Common sense affords us the reality that it was FEAR that caused them to bow. Yet, Daniel's three students still refused? Could it be just the simple act of worship is enough to commit the sin? Indeed it is! For this is confirmed when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into that furnace of fire! It was so hot that the men that threw them were engulfed in flames and killed by doing so. However, Jesus Christ Himself appeared in the flames to prevent harm to those three young men. This confirmed the Lord was pleased with their refusal to merely bow. He rewarded their refusal to break commandment number two with an open sign that no thinking person could deny. It was so graphic in fact that King Nebuchadneezar himself was moved to believe. When he saw those three young men walking in the flame without any ill effects, and at the same time looking upon his own muscle bound guards lying dead at the entrance of that furnace, he knew something amazing happened that day! He realized that merely bowing before that statue he set up was sin! Daniel records this king's reaction rather well...

Did you notice, even the king agreed that bowing before his golden statue was an act of worship? He said with his own mouth that God had sent His Angel to protect those three young men "that they might not serve, nor worship any god, except their own God." So... How does Roman Catholicism fulfil this prophecy? Are Catholics taught to worship the pope? Is the entire world taught to do this as well? In John chapter 17 we read this...

Jesus is in the Garden praying just before Judas arrives with the mob to take Him away to be crucified. In this prayer, Jesus actually calls His Father in Heaven HOLY FATHER! Every catholic on earth, every priest, every cardinal, every bishop, and every nun is taught to call the pope holy father. Even the media calls him this blasphemous name. Every newspaper, magazine, TV news anchorman, and radio announcer uses that title for the pope. Plus, every dignitary, president, or head of state must kiss the hand of the pope either in private, or before the cameras to make a statement. We have all seen the many pictures of people kissing the pope's ring.

From the common man, to mainstream political entities, they must all kiss this man's hand! This is an open act of worship the pope is receiving with complete agreement. Often the pope won't even raise his hand for the person to kiss it. They literally have to bow before him to kiss his hand dangling at his side as we see the British dignitary doing in that photo. It used to be not so many days past that it was the pope foot you must kiss as is shown in this etching...

Truth is, many Catholics to this day are taught this is an acceptable act of worship towards the pope. In St' Peter's Basillica is a statue that is called "Peter." Truth is, the statue was originally called Jupiter, but when the Vatican mixed Paganism with Christianity, they renamed a lot of the Pagan gods, giving them Christian names. Notice the foot of this statue. It is extended out so as to make it easier for the passers by to bow before so as to kiss it. Notice also the foot is worn down so smooth that even the features of the toes are all but completely erased! This is a bronze statue! Can you imagine how many millions and millions of kisses it would take from the soft lips of Catholics the world over to wear the metal away from this statue? This is amazing! Please, pray for these devout people. They have such a misdirected zeal. If they would direct their worship towards the true God of all creation, imagine how wonderful that would be!

peter-jupiter.jpg   peter-jupiter-foot.jpg

The other definition of worship would be to lie prostrate before a statue, or a person. Does the pope even accept this type of extreme reverence? Below, please take a look at the group of priests that are seeking the pope's approval to be ordained as Roman Catholic priests.


It's amazing to me that the Vatican would allow such pictures to be made public. One of the pictures is a recent picture of pope John Paul accepting worship from what appears to be at least 80 young priests to be. And the next is probably the same amount of another pope many years ago.

This prophecy is most assuredly fulfilled by the popes of Rome. Nowhere on earth do you see such a man as this that is not only accepted, but is openly worshiped before the eyes of the Universe.


Antichrist must be able to understand "dark sentences" of hell

It has been said time and time again that the Vatican has always been the only place on earth that hell can be glorified or put in a light that is acceptable to man. Mixing Paganism with Christianity proves this rather easily. Where else on earth can you see open satanic rituals being performed, yet at the same time be called Christianity? The Vatican has single handedly been able to make Christians the world over accept graphic Neo Pagan rituals as 100% acceptable. But this is not the main issue by which this prophecy is fulfilled. These dark sentences, or dark speech is something only found in two places on Earth. The Roman Catholic Vatican, and the Satanic church. These two entities agree on many things. Both have priests and operate in a hierarchy. Both have these priests wear black robes. Both chant. Both the Vatican and the Satanic church use crucifixes. An empty cross is bad enough, seeing how it is a symbol of death, but the Vatican, like Satan's church use a cross with a dead Jesus upon it. Both the Vatican and the Satanic church invert, or turn their crosses upside down. We all know of the Satanic upside down cross by merely looking at a few album covers os such rock bands as Slayer, Metallica, Black Sabbath, or Marilyn Manson. But were you aware the Pope displays the inverted cross as well?


The pope sits on the altar in Korazim, Israel. The backdrop depicts a Christ drenched with Pagan symbolism as well as an open book with a Latin title, that translated reads, "Love your enemies, I will come soon." Truth is, the Biblical choice as children of God should be to proclaim, "REPENT! FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND!"  To preach "Love your enemies" ALONE with the prophetic statement "I will come again soon" is to preach we must concentrate on our relationships with each other OVER AND ABOVE our relationship with the Lord! And as we all know, this is the main agenda of Rome at this time. They need to generate a Global group hug so as to fill the "One World Church" that the Pope becomes the leader of on June 26, 2000.

Notice the INVERTED CROSS of the Satanic Church that is VERY apparent on the THRONE of the Beast power itself in these pictures! WHY an inverted cross in the Holy Land you ask? It is a Satanic show of FORCE unto the Kingdom of Heaven! Is not the Beast himself proclaiming his "so called" victory with such an open and blunt sign as an inverted cross in the land that Jesus Himself walked 2000 years ago? This is actually typical for the devil. For I am sure that this same Satanic boldness was mustered the very day Rome placed the sign "Jesus King of the Jews" above the head of our Saviour on the cross to mock Him! As we all know, that too was a "so called" victory for Satan with the help of ROME. And as well also know, Satan was rudely awakened three days later when our Lord and Saviour was Miraculously awakened from that tomb. 

Just like back then, the Devil is setting himself and ALL who follow him, up for a deadly fall. For as surely as Jesus Christ arose from the tomb to prove Satan's so called victory a LIE, Matthew 24:30 tells us that soon, "...shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."

But just how bad is it in the Vatican? The prophecy states they will understand dark sentences. So ... do they?



Satanism discovered in Vatican

Date: Sunday, February 28, 1999 4:49 AM
Subject: "Satanism Is Practiced in Vatican!"
Two Eminent Churchmen Declare
"Satanism Is Practiced in Vatican!"

In recent weeks, a firestorm has been raging in Italy. The controversy revolves around the statements Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, who made formal allegations that satanic activity is taking place inside the Vatican. When questioned by the Italian press about the allegations, he said that he stood by them. The Archbishop chose the Fatima 2000 International Congress on World Peace held in Rome in November 1996 hosted by the Fatima Crusader magazine as a platform to first make these allegations public.

News of Animal Sacrifice in the Catholic Mass

Human Life International reported yesterday that some South African's are calling for ancestor worship and animal sacrifices to be included in the liturgy of the Mass. According to Archbishop Buti Tlhagale of Bloemfontein, plans to include African pagan rites during the Mass is in response to the Vatican's invitation to "inculturate" Catholic rites. Hearing that both priests and lay people were making such plans, an outraged Father Richard Welch, President of Human Life International, steamed, "In the letter to the Hebrews, Saint Paul discussed the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross with the following words: 'For it is impossible that with the blood of oxen and goats sin should be taken away…Sacrifice and oblation thou would not…Behold, I come…He takes away the first, that he may establish that which follows…we are sanctified by the oblation of the body of Jesus Christ once.' -By Thomas Horn



Need I mention the doctrines of demons and traditions of men running rampant in the Dogma of Roman Catholicism? Need I report on ever aspect evil in this Church that has historically allowed the "Gates of hell to prevail against" it as open evidence that Jesus Christ could not have possibly started this Church. Need I mention the now over 2800 pages of documented evidence I now have online at this website? If I had only a few pages on my site I could understand some of the hate mail I receive on a regular basis that says all my facts are bogus. But the site has almost 3000 pages of well documented facts that anyone can back track or research for themselves.

By the way... Did you notice in the previous article that Archbishop Milingo chose the Fatima 2000 international Congress to make known what was happening inside the walls of Rome? He knew that a global audience would be the result if he waited until then to uncover what he witnessed. Honestly, I'm surprised this man wasn't murdered for exposing the Vatican so boldly.


Antichrist declares Jesus has not come in the flesh

The Word is plain here. If a church proclaims that Jesus Christ did NOT come in the flesh, then that church is of Antichrist. Many Catholics to this day fight me on this tooth and nail. They proclaim their church DOES say that Jesus came in the flesh. But does this church really say Jesus came in the flesh? Notice an actual excerpt from the Roman Catholic Catechism book.



491. "Through the centuries the Church has become ever more aware that Mary, 'full of grace' through God,[Lk 1:28 .] was redeemed from the moment of her conception. That is what the dogma of the Immaculate Conception confesses, as Pope Pius IX proclaimed in 1854: The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of JESUS Christ, Saviour of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of ORIGINAL SIN.[Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus (1854): DS 2803

You can also verify this in the online version of the Catechism book at the Vatican website in the "Original Sin" section. Direct link =



Besides the fact they lie about Mary and her state of salvation, to declare that Jesus Christ came to this world in a flesh OTHER THAN the flesh the catholic church teaches we bear, is to preach that Jesus did NOT come in the flesh! They say He came in a flesh "not stained" with the stain we supposedly bear! To say Jesus did NOT have in His flesh what "we" have in ours, is to say He did NOT come in our flesh. Therefore, He can not possibly be the same Jesus John spoke of in 1John 4:3 The Roman Catholic Jesus is NOT the Jesus of the Bible. The Jesus of Rome cheated and prevented His flesh from being stained with what Rome calls "original sin." But what is the definition of original sin according to Rome?

Q. What is Original Sin?
A. Original Sin is the sin we inherit from Adam, the Father of the Human Race.
-The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine. p. 41

According to Roman Dogma, Original Sin is a sin we ALL inherit from Adam. Problem with that is the Bible proves it to be a bold faced lie. For it is written...

The Word of God plainly states there is no such thing as "Original Sin." What we are born with is the SINFUL NATURE. We choose to sin when we come to the age of accountability. Jesus was also born with the sinful nature. Difference was, He chose NOT to sin.


Antichrist is to use craftiness and deceit in a major way.

STRONGS# 04820

mirmah {meer-maw'} from 07411 in the sense of deceiving; TWOT - 2169b; n f

 AV - deceit 20, deceitful 8, deceitfully 3, false 2, guile 2, feigned 1, craft 1, subtilty 1, treachery 1; 39

 1) deceit, treachery

The pope's of Rome have all along used craftiness and deceit to gain the upper hand. For example, the "New World Order" is now something that can be well verified first in Rome. Do an online search and notice all the articles online that pertain to this topic that were first "suggested" by Rome and then "agreed to" by major Governments. My February 1, 2004 Truth Provided Radio broadcast is all about this fact. Rome's major prophetic desire is in fact the "One world court and one world church" system combined. The one world court started in 1999 and was ratified in the year 2000. This Roman International court carries the solar wheel logo of the Vatican itself on it's website as well as it's letterhead. The Pope is in fact it's globally accepted elected leader. The one world church began on June 26, 2000. In fact, the papers were signed to bring to life the United Religions Initiative in the same hotel room, and same date of June 26, as back in 1948 when they created the United Nations. Truth is, the pope was considered the elected leader of this church a year in advance, and when it came to be in 2000, he stepped in victorious.




THE Pope was recognized as the overall authority in the Christian world by an Anglican and Roman Catholic commission yesterday which described him as a "gift to be received by all the Churches". ...if a new united Christian Church was created it would be the 'Bishop of Rome who would exercise a
universal primacy. The 43-page document, The Gift of Authority, has been produced by the 18-member Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission, after five years of debate. The commission concluded that the Bishop of Rome had a "specific ministry concerning the discernment of truth" and accepted that only the Pope had the moral authority to unite the various Christian denominations. Mark Birchall, a member of the Church of England Evangelical council, said: "It speaks as if the Bishop of Rome has always been on the side of the angels while it is well known that for several centuries past the Bishop of Rome was certainly not." The Rt Rev Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, Bishop of Arundel and Brighton and the other co-chairman, added: "The primacy of the Pope is a gift to be shared." -Electronic Telegraph-UK News May 13, 1999 Oliver Poole



This evil entity in Rome has hood-winked all the Governments and churches of the Planet into thinking it's a good thing to do as she desires. Prophecy declared they would create these evil governing entities, for "peace and safety." When in fact it is opposite of their desires all along. Rome is actually setting everyone on Earth up for a major fall. Don't be fooled, they are not concerned with your faith, nor are they concerned with your walk. They are more concerned with how easy you will allow them to control you. This is done simply because Satan needs this done. Why? He needs to get the entire world "marked" as his subjects so as to defeat Christ. One problem is, the elect cannot be deceived. They will know what it is he is trying to do, and we will proclaim it from the rooftops!

The Vatican has been shouting for years that all religions must come together as one. The Word of God is plain, it states that we cannot join together with those that do not embrace Truth...

Yet Rome openly declares you need to join with her for world peace. And to further prove she cares not for Jesus or the Gospel itself, I have a page on my website entitled, "Rome says Jesus not Needed" in the Catholicism exposed section of the menu. On this page I share numerous quotes from the Vatican as well as Protestant leaders where they boldly proclaim Jesus is NOT needed to gain Heaven.

When the Vatican or it's representatives are speaking to local churches, they will most assuredly say you need Jesus to gain Heaven. But when they speak to the world at large via the media, they speak another message. They say such things as this...



Cardinal Francis Arinze, who's considered a possible successor to Pope John Paul II, has denied Jesus is the only way to heaven. -(Dallas Morning News, 3/20/99)

 THE Pope ...said at an audience that "all of the just on Earth, including those who ignore Christ and his Church" were "called upon to build the kingdom of God". -Electronic Telegraph (Posted on ISSUE 2023 Friday 8 December 2000 

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- In their relations with Jews, Christians ...must recognize that Jews do not have to convert in order to be saved, a top Vatican official said. CNS 11-7-2002




The Vatican is the ultimate political entity on earth. What you see them doing here, is no different than what the Roman taught politicians have been doing all along. It's the same method a campaigning official uses to gather votes for office. For example. When William Jefferson Clinton was running for the Governor's office in Arkansas, he was anti-abortion. That won him the election. When he was running for president, he became pro-abortion and even initiated partial birth abortion. The Pope and his representatives will use this same deceit to get the masses to their agenda. and when someone questions it in their local church, their parish priest, or Protestant minister will lie and say they don't agree with what the media stated, and then spin-doctor the truth to fit your ears.

We cannot deny the documented statements. They are right there in black and white! And we cannot deny what we hear when we confront those that speak such lies on a local level. Craftiness and deceit is a major tool in these last days.



The great over-riding feature of the entire system of the Anti-Christ -- the New World Order -- is blatant deceit. In fact, New World Order writers boast of their planned deceptions, because they arrogantly believe the great majority of the world's population is too stupid and lazy to know what is best for them. Only the New World Order Planners know what is best for the world, and they have determined that they can achieve their goals only by deliberate deception of the poor masses. (Bill Cooper, "Behold A Pale Horse", p. 49; Peter LeMesurier, "The Armageddon Script", 215-252).

Pope calls for a new world order
Thursday, January 1, 2004 Posted: 9:21 AM EST (1421 GMT)

VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope John Paul II rang in the New Year on Thursday with a renewed call for peace in the Middle East and Africa and the creation of a new world order based on respect for the dignity of man and equality among nations.

Read entire article here and more..



This is a sad fact of society today my friends. If it isn't Hollywood causing millions to become couch potato's, it's the Roman Catholic controlled Pharmacies pumping them with so many drugs that most people today look to the other guy to get off the couch and do something. Most agree things have gotten so bad that something needs to be done about it. But no one is willing to get off their backside to do it.

I have literally hundreds of pages on my site dedicated to the Vatican's one world government / church deceptions alone. In fact, there is a section on the site that has gotten so huge, due to all the articles on this topic, that I had to shut it down. I simply could not keep up with all the facts coming in on a daily basis! So, I stopped posting the articles after the Roman International Criminal Court System was initiated. I knew it was only a few months before the United Religions Initiative would come to be, and so it did. Plus, I figured the hundreds of articles showing every aspect of the trickery played out before governing officials to make the NWO attractive were enough to convince even the hardened skeptic.

Two crafty lies were used by Rome to get those two global entities realized. Truth is, they actually used the same lie both times.

  1. Rome used the "peace and safety" lie that 1 Thessalonians 5:3 prophetically speaks of to get the Roman International court set up. They convinced the powers that be that if a global court was set up, all the world would be as one, and peace would be realized.
  2. Rome again used the "peace and safety" lie to get the United Religions religions ratified as well. They once more used craftiness and deceit to convince the leaders of all nations as well as churches that if a global church was brought forth, everyone would happily join and world peace would be the end result.

It doesn't end there either. Rome also uses deceit and craftiness to get people to see her as a moral authority. However, when you dig deep and pull back the curtain you see all the decadence of the most evil entity ever known to man. An organization so evil that over 500 million Christians have been recorded to have lost their lives at the hands of these blood thirsty wolves. This is why the Lord sends them the 7 last plagues. In fact, plague # 2 & 3 specifically state it is because they are bloodthirsty that the Lord gives them blood to drink.

They receive blood to drink because they thirst for it. The Lord is only giving them what they want. I go into far more detail about the seven last plagues on the web-site in the prophecy section of the menu. It pretty amazing to see how each plague is not only understood why they will come, but how as well.

One thing really amazes me about the craftiness of this church is how they admitted on March 12, 2000 in Pope John Paul II's mea culpa to the entire world in his globally televised manner that the Roman Catholic church did in fact kill all those Christians during what History records as the "dark ages." Yet, the Roman Catholic church remains the largest church on earth sporting over 1.2 BILLION members! THAT is the ultimate testimony of craftiness and deceit.

No one will ever be able to convince me that all those loyal Catholics out there agree that it was ok to kill millions of people. Yet they remain members of that church still to this day. What's worse, they stay members even after their priests have been caught molesting their very own children, and even after the statistics revealed that Roman Catholic priests are dying of AIDS ELEVEN TIMES greater than any other group in the USA! If any other entity or organization on earth admitted to such a hellish act they would be shut down immediately! Case in point, look at Hitler! To this day he is considered the most evil man ever to grace the face of this earth. Yet he has only been exposed as the mass murderer of only 6 million Jews. The records show that Rome killed over 83 times more people than Hitler ever did, and they are now called the moral authority and elected leader of the one world court system as well as one world church. If this is not the prophetic model for craftiness and deceit, then what else could possibly stand there?

And lately thanks to the Roman Catholic 2 hour commercial called "The Passion of the Christ" one can see that even the Protestant churches of today are falling for the deceit of Rome. Not long ago, all Protestant leaders have been openly documented as proclaiming Rome the home of Antichrist. However, today, all Protesting faiths agree the pope is the moral leader of the world!? Only one that has the satanic ability of craftiness and deceit Daniel speaks of in this prophecy can turn such graphically blunt tables as this. This prophecy is most assuredly fulfilled by this church in Rome!


 Antichrist is to preach 'another Jesus' unto all

Is the Jesus of Rome the Jesus of the Bible? Notice a "few" of the teachings of Rome. Does this sound like they preach the Jesus of the Bible? It's truly this easy to see this prophecy fulfilled. All one needs do is open a Bible, then open a Roman Catholic Catechism book.

Do they preach Jesus when they GLORIFY Mary as Co-Redeemer?
Do they preach Jesus when their priestly ambassadors of Jesus are drunks, smokers, child molesters, thieves, and murderers?
Do they preach Jesus while killing 500 million Christians during the dark ages?
Do they preach Jesus while placing tradition over and above the Scripture?
Do they preach Jesus when they teach of Purgatory instead of Salvation in Jesus?
Do they preach Jesus when teaching you must suffer to be saved, making the cross insufficient?
Do they preach Jesus while going to man for forgiveness instead of God Almighty?
Do they preach Jesus when the Pope says "Evolution is fact" making Jesus the Creator a liar?
Do they preach Jesus when they teach gambling is acceptable Christ-like activity.
Do they preach Jesus when the Pope praises and embraces Buddhism on global News networks?
Do they preach Jesus when they preach that "Fellow believers" stoned Stephan on EWTN?
Do they preach Jesus when the Pope preaches "Mankind can protect you better than God"?
Do they preach Jesus when the Pope preaches you MUST be loyal to him to be saved?
Do they preach Jesus when they teach you must bow down to the Pope and kiss his feet? (Papal worship)
Do they preach Jesus while killing millions for merely reading His Bible?
Do they preach Jesus when they ignore Jesus example, and baptize babies as did Pagans?
Do they preach Jesus when they put His Bible on the list "forbidden books" back in 1229ad?
Do they preach Jesus when they "venerate" crosses, statues, images, relics, etc?
Do they preach Jesus when they sell indulgences making the cross insufficient?
Do they preach Jesus when they preach you must worship a wafer instead they parade before you?
Do they preach Jesus when they preach a cloth "scapular" will save you instead of Jesus?
Do they preach Jesus when they put books in the Bible, Jesus nor the Apostles ever quoted or used?
Do they preach Jesus when they say Mary was "utterly without sin"?
Do they preach Jesus when call the Pope infallible and Jesus' Word fallible?
Do they preach Jesus when the Pope himself states to all the world "He is god" on earth?
Do they preach Jesus when the Pope proclaims that the "church" is a must for salvation?
Do they preach Jesus when they make war with the Saints of Jesus as prophecy said Antichrist would do?
Do they preach Jesus when they slowly torture followers of Jesus to death?
Do they preach Jesus when they destroy entire nations?
Do they preach Jesus when they ABOLISH the Sabbath that Jesus kept and sanctified and adopt the Pagan day of the Sun?



By Rev. Peter Geiermann, C. SS. R.
B. Herder Book Co.
15 & 17 South Broadway
St. Louis, Mo. 1946

Were you aware that out of the 448 Questions in this book of Catholic doctrine there were 776 answers due to the fact that many of the questions had multiple answers. Some had as many as 17 answers to a single question. Out of all these questions regarding "Catholic Doctrine" there were only 56 Bible verses listed! And more than 75% of those Bible verses were taken completely out of context! But let's give the Vatican the benefit of a doubt and "assume" that all 56 Bible verses used were "in context" shall we? That would mean, 56 Bible verses used for 776 answers equating to 13.8% of the questions having Bible verses given to explain or confirm them. That means, 86.2% of the answers were NOT found in the Bible!




Antichrist controls a man who's name will add to 666.

Revelation gives us a clue as to how to calculate the number of the beast. It reveals that his name will also equal this number. The name I am about to share with you is the official titles of the Pope. Thing is, for many years most Catholics I shared this with said that name was a bogus title. I used to be Catholic, and I did see the name itself inscribed upon the miter of the Pope in what appeared to be jewels or diamonds many years ago. Problem is, I never made note as to where I saw that back then. So for years it was my word against their's. However, recently the Lord has blessed me with an actual copy of the Catholic weekly of April 18, 1915 wherein are found the following words.



"The letters inscribed in the Pope's miter are these 'VICARIUS FILII DEI'. which is the Latin for 'VICAR OF THE SON OF GOD.' Catholics hold that the church, which is a visible society, must have a visible head. Christ, before his ascension into heaven, appointed St. Peter to act as His representative... Hence to the Bishop of Rome, as head of the church, was given the title, 'VICAR OF CHRIST'." Our Sunday Visitor, (Catholic Weekly) "Bureau of information," Huntington, Ind., April 18, 1915. (See actual facsimilie of this quote here... Click here to view

New Discovery! Click here to view page 343 of an actual Vatican document (in Latin) "Deusdedit cardinalis ... collectio canonum, ed. a P. Martinucci" where they use the term VICARIUS FILII DEI! For decades they have lied about this title after the truth about 666 came out! Click here to see entire book "digitized" online. (The Latin title on the page "De Libertate Ecclesle Et Rervm Eivs Et Cleri" translated = "the liberty of the Church and her ministers") Also see Deusdedit's bio for further verification and publishing dates.

Latin is the official language of the Roman Catholic Church. Church Documents are usually published first in Latin, and then translated from the Latin into other languages. The association of "Lateinos" with 666 was first suggested by Irenæus (ca. 130-202 A.D.) who proposed in his 'Against Heresies' that it might be the name of the fourth kingdom in Daniel 7:7. It is a very probable [solution], this being the name of the last kingdom [of the four seen by Daniel]. For the Latins are they who at present bear rule: -Against Heresies, by Irenæus, Book 5, chapter 30, paragraph 3. St. Irenaeus biography online at the New Advent Catholic Supersite.



Since this evidence came forth regarding the title, "Vicarius Filii Dei" and it's obvious connection to the 666 calculation of Revelation, which I will get to shortly. The Roman Church has opted to "teach" it's followers to declare this title "bogus." They have gone to great lengths seeking to do just that so as to remove the overwhelming evidence against them. Vicarius Filii Dei, is cited by the rector of Berlin, Andreas Helwig [or Helwich] (1572-1643) in his Antichristus Romanus as well.

You also might want to take a look at the actual facsimilie of the NOV 15, 1914 edition of OUR SUNDAY VISITOR (A Catholic publication) that openly uses the term Vicarius Filli Dei, as well as state THE NAME IS INSCRIBED ON THE POPES MITRE! You can view it on this site..Click here to view

Not only does that publication show the title, "Vicarius Filii Dei, it also explains that it IS considered a valid title as they do not refute that. Instead they attempt to explain why it is a trivial matter that it equals 666. The priest writing the article actually admits that title authentic to try and explain away it's obvious 666 connection!

By the way, Roman Catholic Author, and Jesuit priest Malachi Martin, also uses the exact same title for the Pope on pages 114 and 122 of his book, "The Keys of this Blood."

One more note of interest!  Why is it I ask, that when you go to the archives of "Our Sunday Visitor" that this particular edition is all together missing? Why is it oh so difficult to get a copy of page THREE of the Nov 15, 1914 "Our Sunday Visitor?" It will become very obvious in a moment.

What I have here is a collection of titles of the office of Pope. This list can also be found on my "Pope and 666" page in the Catholicism Exposed section of the menu.

The unique thing about the Latin language is that it's alphabet serves a dual purpose. It's not only used to spell out words, it is also used as it's numeric system. For example. The letter I = 1, the letter V = 5, the letter C = 100, and so on. Now all one needs to do is spell the titles of the pope. Then all you need to do is add up the letters that are actually numbers as well.


(Vicar of the Son of God)








































6 6 6


VICARIVS - substituting for, or in place of 
FILII - means son 
DEI - means God 

BELOW EXCERPT WAS TAKEN FROM ( Michael Scheifler's Bible Light Homepage website.

"I have recently received what seems to be reliable information that a photo may exist of a papal funeral in St. Peter's Basilica near the beginning of the 20th century, in which the tiara inscribed with Vicarius Filii Dei can be seen. Combined with the above claims of Our Sunday Visitor, this would indicate that it was the funeral of either Leo XIII (1878-1903), or Pius X (1903-1914), and that previous popes probably wore the tiara in question. If anyone can turn up this photo and make it available to me, I will post it in this article."

Eyewitness testimony claims that Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846) wore the inscribed tiara during the Easter Mass of 1845, and that the word Vicarius was on the top crown, Filii on the middle, and Dei on the lower crown, the words spelled out with jewels. See... The Number of his Name.

Another note of interest is, "Vicarius Filii Dei" is NOT the only title of the Popes that equal 666.


(Captain of the Clergy)




















6 6 6


(Vicar of the Court)




















6 6 6


The numeric equivalents of Greek letters can be found in the Encyclopedia Brittanica under "Languages of the World", Table 8.

I Protera
(tenth "first of two")


















6 6 6


(the Latin speaking man)


















6 6 6

NOTE: Latin is the official language of the Roman Catholic Church. Church Documents are usually published first in Latin, and then translated from the Latin into other languages. The association of "Lateinos" with 666 was first suggested by Irenæus (ca. 130-202 A.D.) who proposed in his 'Against Heresies' that it might be the name of the fourth kingdom in Daniel 7:7.

Then also Lateinos has the number six hundred and sixty-six; and it is a very probable [solution], this being the name of the last kingdom [of the four seen by Daniel]. For the Latins are they who at present bear rule: I will not, however, make any boast over this [coincidence].

Source: Against Heresies, by Irenæus, Book 5, chapter 30, paragraph 3. St. Irenaeus biography online at the New Advent Catholic Supersite.


(The Latin kingdom)






































6 6 6


(Italian Church)


































6 6 6




















6 6 6

The numeric equivalents of Hebrew letters can be found in the Encyclopedia Brittanica under "Languages of the World", Table 50.

(Roman Kingdom)














6 6 6


(Roman Man)














6 6 6


By the way... there is one more name that = 666. Satan in Greek = TEITAN















6 6 6


(Holy light of God)






























6 6 6

If you remove all the letters that do not have numeric values, you are left with... SANTAE. If you slide the "N" to the right two spaces like you can in the name "SANTA" you will end up with, "SATANE"  The word SATANE = SATAN in LATIN!


(King of the Roman priests)










































6 6 6

One more thing that I am sure will amaze you. Pope John Paul II is the very first Pope in history to actually fulfill this prophecy two fold. As far as my research bears out, I have never seen a pope's give name equate to 666. His titles, yes, but his given name as pope? As far as I can tell, this happened first with John Paul II.

(John Paul II)














































 -T o t a l-

1 + 60 + 605 = 666

"The number of his name... count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man... and his number is 666." Revelation 13:17,18


Antichrist must hate the Bible and anyone that embraces its Truth

As we all know, Satan hates the Word of God because it exposes him perfectly. So naturally, the one Satan has doing his bidding on earth, will hate it just as much. Keep in mind... I did NOT write the history books, nor did I write the Bible! ALL this information is well documented and easy to research for yourselves. In fact I implore you to do so! That way you will know for a FACT that the Roman Catholic church really does speak in such a way when it comes to the Bible! Now notice a few comments of the Roman Catholic church that even a babe in Christ can verify as OF SATAN.



The decree set forth in the year 1229 A.D. by the Council of Valencia... places Bible on The Index of Forbidden Books. The doctrine withholds "it is forbidden for laymen (common man) to read the Old and New Testaments. - We forbid them most severely to have the above books in the popular vernacular." "The lords of the districts shall carefully seek out the heretics in dwellings, hovels, and forests, and even their underground retreats shall be entirely wiped out." Council Tolosanum, Pope Gregory IX, Anno. Chr. 1229

The church Council of Tarragona ruled that: "No one may possess the books of the Old and New Testaments in the Romance language, and if anyone possesses them he must turn them over to the local bishop within eight days after the promulgation of this decree, so they may be burned." D. Lortsch, Histoire de la Bible en France, 1910, p.14.

"Socialism, Communism, clandestine societies, Bible societies... pests of this sort must be destroyed by all means." The encyclical Quanta Cura Issued by Pope Pius IX, December 6, 1866

"The Bible does not pretend to be a formulary of belief, as in a creed or catechism. There is nowhere in the New Testament a clear, methodical statement of the teaching of Christ" -Question Box, p. 66

"The very nature of the Bible ought to prove to any thinking man the impossibility of its being the one safe method to find out what the Savior taught." 
Ibid., p. 67

...It was well for Luther that he did not come into the world until a century after the immortal invention of Guttenberg. A hundred years earlier his idea of directing two hundred and fifty million men to read the Bible would have been received with shouts of laughter, and would inevitably have caused his removal from the pulpit of Wittenburg to a hospital for the insane." -The Faith of Our Fathers, p. 69; see also The Faith of Millions, p. 152

"Again it has ever been practically impossible for men, generally, to find out Christ from the Bible only." -Question Box, p. 70

"...The Bible nowhere implies that it is the only source of faith." -
Ibid., p. 77

"The Scriptures indeed is a divine book but it is a dead letter, which has to be explained, and cannot exercise the action which the preacher can obtain." -Our Priesthood, p. 155

"...A dead and speechless book." -Question Box, p. 67

"The simple fact is that the Bible, like all dead letters, calls for a living interpreter." -The Faith of Millions, p. 155

"The Bible was not intended to be a textbook of Christian religion."
-Catholic Facts, p. 50



Notice they speak of those that trust the Bible as heretics? Were you aware that on March 12, 2000 the pope called all non-Catholics heretics in his mea culpa? Is it hard to see why such hatred is displayed towards the Bible? Only those threatened by it's truth will hate it, for it is plainly written...

It doesn't take much sense to see why Rome would hate the Bible. It exposes them to be the home of Antichrist. This is the only reason they feel this way about it. This is the only reason 86.2% of Catholic doctrine cannot be found in the Bible. This explains why they claim tradition to be on equal footing with the Bible. The bible is an open and graphic threat to all that is Rome, and that is the one and only reason they attack those that hold the bible dear to their hearts.

Rome made many claims in those quotes regarding the Word. Everything from calling it a dead letter, to claiming it is not a textbook for the Christian faith. I believe the following verses prove the Catholic church is telling bold faced lies...

The Bible declares it teaches...
All necessary things which Jesus did - Acts 1:1-2
Certainty of His action and teaching - Luke 1:3-4
Life in the name of Jesus - John 20:30-31
Instructions to salvation - 2 Tim. 3:15
Commands of the Lord - 1 Cor. 14:37
The proper conduct - 1 Tim. 3:14-15
Every good work - 2 Tim. 3:16-17
Protection against sin - 1 John 2:1
An assurance of eternal life - 1 John 5:13
Standard by which teachers are tested - Acts 17:11
Standard which we cannot go beyond - 1 Cor. 4:6
Blessings from God - Rev. 1:3
Joy that is complete - 1 John 1:3-4
Standard of judgment - Rev. 20:12

To put it bluntly...

I have many more quotes regarding this topic proving Rome hates the bible with a passion on my "word of a beast" page on the site in the warnings section of the menu.


Antichrist has a church that makes war with the saints.

Rome has all along never denied it persecuted Christians. Sure, they will call them heretics, but when you look into what these heretics believed, they were actually bible believing Christians. History is literally drenched with all sorts of evidence proving this out nicely. Jesus said in John 16:2, "They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service." Were you aware that in the Pope's globally broadcast "Mea Culpa" that he admitted the Catholic church killed millions upon millions because they thought they were doing God's will? Jesus said that they will kick you out of churches, and kill you thinking they are doing God's will, and then the Pope says they kicked people out of churches, and then had to kill them because they thought they were doing God's will.

Strange thing is, the whole world MISSED THAT! All I saw after that Mea Culpa on March 12, 2000 was the media and all the world talking about how holy the Pope was for asking for forgiveness. Don't get me wrong, I do forgive the Pope, as well as all the popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Nuns, and governing officials under the rule of Rome that did those things. If I don't forgive I am no more a Christian than Satan himself. But forgiving him doesn't change history. I have forgiven and forgotten as I am instructed to do as a Christian. But I am also painfully aware that my Bible has these prophecies in it. They are here for a reason! We are told in advance what the Pope will do simply because we are called to warn the people. So, yes, I forgive him, and all his cohorts. But the Word of God is plain. It warns us he isn't done yet! So, we must study the prophecies of old so as to better understand the character of this Antichrist we find ourselves engaging in these last days.

As usual, I am not going to ask you to take my word for it when it comes to prophecy being fulfilled. So.. does history confirm the popes of Rome as being the ones that have killed the Christians in mass numbers?



"For teaching faith contrary to the teaching of the Church of Rome, history records the martyrdom of more than 100 million people." Brief Bible Readings p. 16

Under the influence of Germanic customs and concepts, torture was little used from the 9th to the 12th centuries, but with the revival of Roman law the practice was reestablished in the 12th century... In 1252 (Pope) Innocent IV sanctioned the infliction of torture by the civil authorities upon heretics, and torture came to have a recognized place in the procedure of the inquisitional courts. -New Catholic Encyclopedia, arts. "Inquisition", "Auto-da-Fe'," and "Massacre of St Bartholomew's Day."

"During the 2,000 years the [Roman Catholic] Church has been on this earth, she has warred with nearly every government in this world. The world is full of their ruins. Their thrones have toppled over and fallen, their dynasties have come to dust. And the governments of the world today will meet the same fate if they challenge the hostility of the church of God. She remains; she is today what she was 2,000 years ago; . . she is today what she was during the Middle Ages; she is today what she was during the times of Protestant persecution during and since the sixteenth century; she is the invincible church of God. God help the state that attacks her; God help the king that provokes her hostility."--from a sermon by the Catholic priest D.S. Phelan on Sunday, Dec. 12, 1909, published in the Roman Catholic (St. Louis) periodical, The Western Watchman, Dec. 16, 1909.

"The Catholic has some reason on his side when he calls for the temporal punishment of heretics, for he claims the true title of Christian for himself exclusively, and professes to be taught by the never-failing presence of the Spirit of God . . . It is not more 'morally' wrong to put a man to death for heresy than for murder, . . . [and] in many cases persecution for religious opinions is not only permissible, but highly advisable and necessary."--"The Lawfulness of Persecution," in The Rambler, 4, June, 1849, pp. 119, 126 ["The Rambler" was an English Roman Catholic journal published from 1848 to 1862].

 "Under these bloody maxims [Roman Catholic decrees to kill Protestants] those persecutions were carried on . . After the signal of open martyrdom had been given in the canons of Orleans, there followed the extirpation of the [French] Albigenses, under the form of a crusade, the establishment of the inquisition, the cruel attempts to extinguish the [Swiss] Waldenses, the martyrdoms of the [English] Lollards, the cruel wars to exterminate the Bohemians, the burning of Huss and Jerome, and multitudes of other confessors, before the Reformation; and afterwards the ferocious cruelties practiced in the Netherlands, the martyrdoms of Queen Mary's reign, the extinction by fire and sword of the reformation in Spain and Italy, by freed and open persecution In Poland, the massacre of Bartholomew, the perjuries of the [French] Huguenots by the [Catholic] League, . . . and all the cruelties and perjuries connected with the revocation of the edict of Nantes [in France]. These are the more open and conspicuous facts which explain the prophecy [of Daniel Seven], besides the slow and secret murders of the holy tribunal of the Inquisition."--T. R. Birks, The Four Prophetic Empires, 1845 ed., pp. 248-249.

"Socialism, Communism, clandestine societies, Bible societies... pests of this sort must be destroyed by all means." The encyclical Quanta Cura Issued by Pope Pius IX, December 6, 1866



Some of the totals were not completely accurate in those quotes, as it was rather difficult to investigate and find each and every person Rome killed. Fact is, all of the totals were rather small in comparison to the actual amount. If you seek a more accurate count I suggest the book, Foxe's Book of Martyrs This book has a far greater list of facts on this because this was the sole reason for the writing of the book. John Foxe put it together to expose Roman Catholicism. No one put more research together on this prophetic events than John Foxe himself. And he calculates the number to be in the range of 500 million killed over the years by Rome. Of course, no one can be 100% accurate. Especially since many of the killings were done in secret dungeons, and ,many of the records have been destroyed by Rome so as to hide the truth. Plus, how do you record three complete nations that were completely wiped out in the infancy of Roman Catholicism? Of course, I speak of the Vandals, Herulis, and Ostrogoths. No one really knows how many millions were wiped out here because Rome all but completely wiped out these races of people! There aren't any descendants alive today to even give any inkling as to just how many have been killed by the Vatican.

Many think that the Pope's Mea Culpa of March 12, 2000 was evidence that Rome has changed. They believe that the Catholic church won't be killing again, yet the very same Pope that "supposedly" asked forgiveness for killing over 500 millions Christians is the same Pope that re-instituted the office of Inquisition!



Pope John Paul II Revives Inquisition 

The thought of a revived Holy Office of the Inquisition would pacify some and offend others. Nevertheless, the "Holy Office" still exists. Only it's name has been changed. Pope John Paul II has been instrumental in its revival. One may argue that this Ratzinger run agency is merely an attempt by the Catholic Church to root out communism or backslidden priests and their practices. However, with John Paul II's objective to implement "God's mandate" by creating a global church-state which will administer from traditional Roman Catholic theology, is enough cause for alarm. Malachi Martin has already stated in his book, "The Keys of this Blood," that the pope will not tolerate any belief systems that oppose his, not on a civil or church level. In John Paul II the world will behold a tyrant who will coldly execute direct orders against those whom he deems are heretics or immoral. Moreover, like his papal predecessors, John Paul II will carry out his "Godly mandate" in the name of Christ, or perhaps Mary. May God help us all. -By Kathleen R. Hayes Feb 1991, NRI Trumpet Page 3



Why is he apologizing in March of 2000 when all along he re-opened the office of Inquisition that saw millions die at their hands? Because they plan to start killing again. Prophecy cannot lie! The Word of God said the mortal wound would be healed, and this beast would come back in full force once again, and so it will. One can easily see this beast snarling in how it boldly proclaims it's agenda without fear of reprisal.



"The Catholic Church has persecuted ... when she thinks it is good to use physical force she will use it... Will the Catholic Church give bond that she will not persecute?... The Catholic Church gives no bonds for her *good behaviour*." -Western Watchman, Dec. 24, 1908 (emphasis added)



That's right! Just as Jesus said in John 16:2 they actually think the killings and torture is good behaviour that pleases God the Father. But look at verse three of John chapter sixteen. Jesus Himself says, "...these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me." On March 12, 2000, Pope John Paul II ADMITTED the Roman Catholic Church does NOT know the Father or Jesus. To deny that, is to deny the very words of Jesus Christ. This church really is "drunken with the blood of the saints" as Revelation 17:6 puts it.

Still, some will say that this is modern day. This cannot happen now! We are civilized! That was hundreds of years ago. Are you aware the Vatican is right now in court dealing with all that it was doing in the Nazi prison camps? Were you aware they are being sued as we speak!? I have all the facts on my "Vatican War Crimes" page on the website. Here is one small article from that page...



'They are all together'
4-3-2000 TIME MAGAZINE page 38 

An interview with Bill Dorich, one of the plaintiffs in class action suit against Vatican. (posted 1/21/00) or

Jared: This lawsuit initially involved Ukrainian plaintiffs but now it involves people killed by the Ustashe fascists in Yugoslavia as well?

Bill: Right. The Ustashe movement was marked by its clerical/fascist character. It was controlled by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. The Ustashe killed Ukrainians first but they killed people in Yugoslavia too, especially at the Croatian Ustashe death camp, Jasenovac. 

Jared: A lot of people don't realize that the Catholic Church was involved in this stuff. 

Bill: Up to its eyeballs. Priests were directly involved in the mass murders. We want people whose families were taken to Jasenovac and never returned; we want evidence of people being killed; we want any documents, photographs, testimonies. There's a lot of material out there that we know people have. The Serbs have never brought it forward. The Serbs always said, "Well God knows what happened so we don't have to parade this material around to show people evidence." Well yes you do, and that's been probably the biggest mistake the Serbs made in the last 55 years. We haven't made clear to people what really happened. 

Jared: So you were saying the lawsuit started with the Ukraine -

Bill: Right. The depositions started and a Serb named Petar Makara started working with the attorneys, Easton and Levy, and gave them various names of people whose families were victims, mine included. And they asked me to be a plaintiff. The attorneys have filed an amended complaint and they have named three of us. The Jasenovac Foundation in Birmingham, Michigan is involved. It's an organization to bring public attention to what we call the hidden holocaust. It is not an unknown holocaust. It is quite well known by scholars around the world. It is just that nobody wanted to come forward and talk about the victimization of the Serbs in the Balkans. Barry Lituchy from the Foundation is looking for a Roma plaintiff to join the suit as well. 

We need people to come forward who have evidence to offer. Particularly pictures, documents and first person testimonies. There still are some survivors out there and of course family members of people killed at Jasenovac. And don't forget the Ustashe killed people throughout Serbia and Bosnia, as well as Ukraine. Jasenovac was a trial balloon on how to effectively slaughter large numbers of people. It was controlled by this clerical fascist regime in Croatia, under the control of the Catholic Church. 

Jasenovac was the first death camp, the test case. The Nazi's wanted to see how many people it was possible to kill in how much time, the organizational problems and so on. This was before Auschwitz and the others. They didn't have gas chambers at Jasenovac so what they did was bludgeon people to death or disembowel or dismember them. It didn't take any bullets. They needed bullets to fight the war. They had contests at Jasenovac every night. To see who could kill the most in one night. One particular priest won by killing 1500 Serbs in an evening. This is all documented.

Jared: Oh my God.

Bill: And since there were over 6 or 700,000 people who were killed there should be a bunch of people out there, like me. My relatives were all killed.

Jared: My relatives were all killed in Lithuania and in Poland, in Lodz. 

Bill: They are all together, in common graves. The Jews, the Roma, the Serbs, the Ukrainians. All together. It is outrageous that the world does not know about this, and about the terrible role the Vatican played both in leading - the fascist Ustashe and in hoarding this money, and later, in making sure the killers got away. The Vatican set up the actual escape routes for the Ustashe. These murderers, who were also Roman Catholic priests, fled to Argentina, Canada and the United States after the war with false passports prepared from inside the Vatican ''Ratline'' . This is all documented in the book, "Unholy Trinity" by Aarons and Loftus.



Many that hate me and my ministry proclaimed that page of facts a farce. But when I got permission to put the Lawyer's phone numbers, addresses and email addresses on the page, they have not since commented. That page also has a rather extensive list of links on the same topic as well.

One more thing before moving onto the next prophecy. Were you aware that just last year the EWTN Roman Catholic Television Network's website posted a conversation on their board that spoke of all the positive benefits of burning heretics at the stake? I have all the posts BEFORE EWTN deleted them on my "Evils of EWTN" page on the website. It's is shocking to read!

Were you aware Pope John Paul II called all non Catholics HERETICS in his globally broadcast mea culpa of March 12, 2000? Were you also aware there are many nations the World over where Roman Catholicism is a large part of the laws of the land? Kind of makes this next quote more gruesome then doesn't it...



The archbishop of St. Louis said: "Heresy and unbelief are crimes; and in Christian countries, as in Italy and Spain, for instance, where all people are Catholics, and where the catholic religion is an essential part of the law of the land, they are punished as crimes." ... "Every cardinal, archbishop, and bishop in the Catholic Church takes an oath of allegiance to the pope, in which occur the following words" "Heretic, schismatics, and rebels to our said lord (the pope), or his aforesaid successors, I will to my utmost persecute and oppose." [Josiah Strong, "Our Country," ch. 5, pars 2-4.]

"Experience teaches that there is no other remedy for the evil, but to put heretics (Protestants) to death; for the (Romish) church proceeded gradually and tried every remedy: at first she merely excommunicatied them; afterwards she added a fine; then she banished them; and finally she was constrained to put them to death." -Cardinal Bellarmine famous champion of Romanism cited by Schumucker p. 76



With the one world church, one world government, one world court, and one world currency in the pope's control, do you think Rome will have trouble making her Satanic dogma into the laws of the land as well? Have you seen my Roman Catholic IRS page yet?  According to prophecy, Rome will do as she desires! Can we stop it? No. All we can do is get ourselves ready to meet Jesus, for signs like this prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, He is indeed coming very soon!


Antichrist is a world power which the world "wonders after"

All throughout history the Roman Catholic church has appealed to the masses merely because sin is appealing to the lost. Most will say that Rome must be the true church because of it's immense size. But looking to Scripture, one can see that size is a true giveaway that it is evil. Case in point, ALL the world thought Noah and his family were nuts. Only 8 people on the planet were walking with God at that time. As always, the majority is most likely to be those that are friends with the World.

Whenever the president of the United States would travel abroad, there would be upwards of a thousand or more journalists covering his every move. During an election, one can expect that number to double. During war time, it would triple. Now look at the Pope. No matter what the occasion is, there is always a minimum of 15000 journalists covering his every move! If the pope so much as stubs his toe, people the world over will hear about it! All the world truly does wonder after this beast.

The word "Wondered" in verse three of Revelation thirteen is translated by Strong's Concordance this way...


thaumazo {thou-mad'-zo}

from 2295; TDNT - 3:27,316; v  AV - marvel 29, wonder 14, have in admiration 1, admire 1, marvelled + 2258 1, vr wonder 1; 47

 1) to wonder, wonder at, marvel

 2) to be wondered at, to be had in admiration

Every popular magazine on earth has either openly stated the Pope an admirable man, or a holy man of God. Time magazine, back in May of 1981 actually said "It's like shooting God" when the Pope was shot!



  “Shooting presidents, that’s politics, that I can understand. But shooting the Pope--it’s like shooting God!” TIME Magazine may 25,1981 article “It’s like shooting God”  By George J. Church.



It’s bad enough for a "man" to believe that shooting another "man" is like shooting God. But to have a brazen disrespect for the lives of Presidents who are assassinated merely because of their occupation, is troubling to say the least. A simple fact to notice is this... If the Pope were God as he claims to be in dozens upon dozens of authenticated Vatican quotes, then why I ask has it never been recorded in any history book whatsoever of a Pope raising a dead man, or healing a blind man, a deaf man, a leper, or a cripple? How about a simple miracle as easy as healing himself? How many Popes have died since the beginning of the Roman Catholic church? I thought they said they were God? Why is it they keep dying? And why is it no one notices? In fact, why is it every missed it when Pope John Paul himself was unable to cast a demon out of a 19 year old girl not long ago during a Vatican mass?



Vatican Exorcism Fails
September 12, 2000 08:12 CDT

A British newspaper has reported an unusual encounter with the devil in the Vatican, with Pope Paul II, himself, attempting an exorcism of a possessed young woman.

The Telegraph reported "the Pope carried out an impromptu exorcism on a teenage girl after she began screaming insults in a cavernous voice during an audience in the Vatican City. Despite the Pope's efforts and those of his chief 'Satan-buster,' Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the girl remained possessed. The Devil's voice sneeringly laughed from within her at the Pope's failed attempt to drive him away," said the British news organization. -Staff Writer Sally Suddock



This was made known globally! Still, Catholics stayed in this church. Their wonderment of this man in robes has them hypnotized!

Adam Clarke put it best regarding the Popes when he said...



"They have assumed infallibility, which belongs only to God. They profess to forgive sins, which belongs only to God. They profess to open and shut heaven, which belongs only to God. They profess to be higher than all the kings of the earth. which belongs only to God. And they go beyond God in pretending to loose whole nations from their oath of allegiance to their kings, when such kings do not please them. And they go against God, when they give indulgences for sin. This is the worst of all blasphemies." Taken from -ADAMCLARKE, commentary, on Daniel 7:25



Even with all the obvious evils of this church, they still sport over 1 billion members worldwide! And all the main stream media outlets wonder after him as their god by calling him "Holy Father." Antichrist must have all in agreement either by choice (forehead) or by force (right hand) or his plans for global control will not work. The easy part of course is to get the masses in agreement that the pope is a moral man. People are easy to manipulate in mass numbers a lot easier that one on one. This is all regardless of the fact that not 30 or 40 years ago ALL Protestant religions openly proclaimed him Antichrist. Today? NONE do! For those that don't quite believe that all Protestant churches called him Antichrist, I suggest surfing to my page entitled, "They called him Antichrist" in the Prophecy section of the menu. In there I have quotes from most mainline denominations declaring the Pope's of Rome to be Antichrist.



The Encyclical of Pope Pius X, issued in 1864, asserted: 

  • the right to require the State not to leave any man free to profess his own religion;
  • the right to employ force;
  • the right to claim dominion in temporal things;
  • the right to have the entire control of public schools;
  • the right to hold princes and kings in subjection;
  • the right to treat all marriages as invalid which are not solemnized according to the forms of the Council of Trent;
  • the right to prevent the State granting to immigrants the public exercise of their own worship;
  • the right to require the State not to permit free expression of opinion;



Every single move of the Pope is televised on a Global scale as a blanket over every eye on earth. Every church on the planet has absolute evidence that they have allowed the Roman Catholic Church to tell them HOW to worship in one way or another. The United States Internal Revenue Service has also bowed to the suggestions of this Latin speaking man. Every man woman and child is effected in one way or another by the actions of the Vatican in Rome whether in a spiritual or a physical sense, or BOTH. Every nation on Earth must have "friendly" relations with the Vatican in order to assure her "friends" do not remove them from the face of the Earth. Truly, all nations declare "who is able to make war with him" as prophecy stated they would! Every Protestant church that in the past has openly declared the Pope as ANTICHRIST has now come forward in these last days to declare a "change of mind!" Every "popular" Religious leader on earth regardless of the fact that they profess Jesus as Lord or not have ALL declared the Pope a "Holy" man. Numerous "strange" laws found on the books of EVERY nation on earth have been first "suggested" by Rome. And now EVERY Church regardless of it's proclamation of faith, Christian or non Christian are now filling the pews of the Pope's newly created ONE WORLD CHURCH. Has all the world wondered after this Beast?  Indeed they have, for even the churches themselves have proclaimed their allegiance to this man.




THE Pope was recognised as the overall authority in the Christian world by an Anglican and Roman Catholic commission yesterday which described him as a "gift to be received by all the Churches". ...if a new united Christian Church was created it would be the 'Bishop of Rome who would exercise a universal primacy. The 43-page document, The Gift of Authority, has been produced by the 18-member Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission, after five years of debate. The commission concluded that the Bishop of Rome had a "specific ministry concerning the discernment of truth" and accepted that only the Pope had the moral authority to unite the various Christian denominations. Mark Birchall, a member of the Church of England Evangelical council, said: "It speaks as if the Bishop of Rome has always been on the side of the angels while it is well known that for several centuries past the Bishop of Rome was certainly not." The Rt Rev Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, Bishop of Arundel and Brighton and the other co-chairman, added: "The primacy of the Pope is a gift to be shared."
- Electronic Telegraph-UK News May 13, 1999 Oliver Poole



Let me share just one more article that quite graphically proves all the world wonders after this beast in Rome. There was a meeting called back in June of 1999 where all the powers that be were asked to come together on June 3-6 to discuss something those of us that study prophecy knew was inevitable.



© 1999

What do Steven Spielberg, Pope John Paul II, Ted Turner, Boris Yeltsin, Bill Clinton and House Speaker Dennis Hastert have in common? They are among those on a "partial guest list" of expected attendees to the 1999 Bilderberg meeting in Portugal scheduled for next week. The secret meeting in Sintra, Portugal, takes place June 3-6. According to sources which have penetrated the high-security meetings in the past, the Bilderberg meetings emphasize a globalist agenda and promote the idea that the notion of national sovereignty is antiquated and regressive



Can you guess what their up to? Can you guess why the Pope was there? The ONLY Religious leader attending? Have you ever seen who is on the list? It appears every base is covered. Besides the obvious "heads of state" from all over the World that attended that GLOBAL MEETING, there's just a few that I found on the list to be a bit "strange." What are these guys doing in a global meeting such as this? Were Clinton and the Pope there to assure their global desires are understood by ALL people of the world? Indeed! LOOK at the names on that "partial" list. Look at some of the companies that were present there. It appears our daily lives were discussed eh? It also appears our every day lives are about to be altered in a way that can only confirm that "The Mark of the Beast" is about to be enforced! Why else would all these companies be present? Think about it. The Bible says you will NOT be able to "buy or sell" without the mark of the Beast. Now think about all these companies being in agreement with the Pope, or wondering after him. Now think about the Pope insisting that anyone that does not agree with his "doctrines" will be prevented from "buying or selling" anything from these affiliated companies. And then realize that the power to enforce his desires are found in the ONE WORLD COURT system already set up in ROME. And also keep in mind that "he thinks" he has no one to answer for but himself!

Here is but a partial copy of the list. The entire list was never made public as far as I am aware.

Ackerman, Duane - CEO Bell South
Alberthal, Les - CEO of Electronic Data Systems (EDS)
Armstrong, Michael - CEO of AT&T Corrporation
Belluzzo, Richard - CEO - Silicon Graphics-SGI
Byers, Brook - Partner KPCB
Beyster, J. R. - Founder and CEO of SAIC
Bonsignore, Michael - CEO Honeywell
Braverman, Avishai - President of Ben-Gurion University
Bronfman, Charles - Canadian businessman
Buffet, Warren, CEO Berkshire Hathaway
Case, Daniel - Chairman & CEO of H& Q
Case, Stephen - CEO of America On-Line-AOL
Caufield, Frank - AOL Board & Partner KPCB
Cayne, James - CEO of Bear Stearn
Chalsty, John - CEO of DLJ
Chambers, John - CEO of Cisco Systems
Cohen, Abby - Market Strategist, Goldman Sachs
Corzine, Jon - CEO of Goldman Sachs
Coulter, David - Former CEO of Bank of America
Cresson Edith - EC Commissioner
DeGier, Hans - CEO of Warburg Dillon Read
Dell, Michael - Dell Computers
Denham, Bob - Salomon Smith Barney
Dinstein, Yoram - President of Tel Aviv University-TAU
Disney, Roy - Vice Chairman & Nephew - Walt Disney
Eisenberg, Erwin - Heir to Eisenberg Group
Ellison, Larry - CEO of Oracle
Engibous, Tom - Texas Instruments-TI
Fisher, Max - Chairman, Republican National Jewish Coalition-NJC
Fisher, Richard - CEO of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Fortune 1000 - Group Focus Letter
Frankel, Jacob - Bank of Israel
Friedlander, Yehuda - Rector of Bar Ilan University
Fuld, Fichard - CEO of Lehman Brothers (acquired Blount Intl)
Gates, Bill - CEO of Microsoft
Gerstner, Lou - CEO of IBM
Glavin, Christopher - Motorola - Strategy Focus
Goldberg, Ed - Merrill Lynch - Strategy Focus
Grafton, Bob - CEO of Arthur Andersen Worldwide
Grasso, Richard - CEO, New York Stock Exchange-NYSE
Greer, Phil - Weiss Peck & Greer
Grove, Andy - Former CEO of Intel
Hammerman, Stephen - Vice Chairman Merrill Lynch
Harari, Chaim - President of Weizmann Institute
Hayuth, Yehuda - President of Haifa University
Honeycutt, Van - CEO Computer Sciences Corporation-CSC
Horovitz, Avraham - GM - UMI Israel Chief Scientist
Ichan, Carl - Wall Street Financier
Jobs, Steven - Apple Computers
Kangas, Edward - CEO Deloitte, Touche, Tohmatsu - International-DTTI
Kaveh, Moshe - President of Bar Ilan University
Komansky, David - CEO of Merrill Lynch
Lane, Neal - Former Director of the NSF
Laskawy, Phil - CEO of Ernst & Young-EY
Lavie, Arie - Former Chief Scientist - Israel
Lerner, Alex - Israeli Scientist
Levin, Gerald - CEO Time Warner, Inc.
Magidor, Menachem - President of Hebrew University
Marron, Donald - CEO of Paine Webber Group - Enterprise Strategy
McGinn Richard - CEO of Lucent- Enterprise Strategy
McNealy, Scott - CEO of Sun Microsystems
Middelhoff, Thomas - CEO Bertelsmann & AOL Director
Moore, Nicholas - Chairman of PriceWaterhouse Coopers-PWC L.L.P.
Murdoch, Rupert - Austrialian Media Owner
Ne'eman, Yuval- Israeli Physicist
Oz, Amos - Israeli writer
Palmer, Robert - CEO of Digital Equipment Corporation-DEC
Paulson, Henry - Co-Chairman Goldman Sachs
Pfeiffer, Eckhard - CEO of Compaq
Phelan, John - Former CEO NYSE & Director of ML and the BCG
Phypers, Dean - Former CFO of IBM
Platt, Lewis - CEO Hewlitt Packard-HP
Pope John Paul II - Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church-RCC
Pottruck, David - Charles A. Schwab & Company
Purcell, Philip - CEO of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Raymond, Lee - CEO Exxon
Redstone, Sumner - CEO of Viacom - HBO
Reichman, Uriel - President of the Inter Disciplinary Center- IDC Israel
Reichmann, Paul - Canadian Businessman
Rodin, Judith - President of the University of Pennsylvania
Schiro, James - CEO PriceWaterhouse Coopers-PWC
Schwab, Charles - Charles A. Schwab & Company
Sharman, Colin - Chairman KPMG
Shipley, Walter - CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank
Spielberg, Steven - Hollywood Film Producer
Slahor, Paul - Founding Investor in IPC
Smith, Jack - CEO of General Motors-GM
Soros, George - President of the Soros Fund
Spector, Norman - Publisher Jerusalem Post
Tadmor, Zeev - President of Technion
Trotman, Alexander - CEO of Ford Motor Company
Turner, Ted - CEO Turner Broadcasting Systems-TBS - CNN
Wang, Charles - CEO of Computer Associates International-CAI
Weill, Sandy - CEO Travelers-Citigroup
Weinbach, Arthur - CEO of Automatic Data Procesing-ADP
Weinbach, Lawrence - CEO of Unisys
Yehoshua, A.B. - Israeli writer

All the world truly wonders after this beast, and all truly know that no one is like this beast, nor can anyone make war with him. This prophecy is most assuredly fulfilled in the Vatican of Rome Italy!

Read my June 6, 1999 newsletter "Global Universal Power of the Pope" for many additional facts on this


Antichrist must be a "Christian" church that embraces the teachings of BABYLON

In the Scriptures we find a prophetic explanation of the church of Antichrist. We learned earlier that a woman in prophecy equals a church. A mother is most definitely a woman, is she not? Therefore this mother in Revelation 17:5 is a church. Problem is, this mother is a whore, in fact she is a mother of many whores the prophecy says. This means that MANY churches the world over will spawn out from this church doing as she has taught. Looking through history one will find upwards of 3000 denominations that have been spawned from Roman Catholicism. Prophecy defines this woman as a whore. This means she will be an apostate mother or church to all those that do as she suggests.

All throughout the Word of God we see an apostate church being likened unto a harlot. In, Jeremiah 3:6, "The LORD said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king, Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done? she is gone up upon every high mountain and under every green tree, and there hath played the harlot."

Israel is the bride of Christ. But the Word shows that she seeks another husbandman. Doing so means she "cheated on her husband" to put it plainly. She "played the harlot." Sad fact is, she is still doing so to this day.

The Pagan's of Babylon would perform worship to idols under green trees. This practice found it's way into the lives of God's chosen people. Soon Israel itself was embracing Pagan rituals as well. We all know the name "Israel" is in fact the loving name the Father has given to His church. This is not just for the Jewish believers that accept the Lord Jesus as Christ. This name Israel is also for the Gentile believer, for it is well known our Father is not a respector of persons, and it is also penned in...

There is one more defining feature of this church that I would like to bring to your attention. We already understand it to be a whore, but what type of whoredom does she commit? The Prophecy states this will be a church that embraces the teachings of BABYLON. Could it be? The church that claims Christ Jesus Lord is also a church that embraces Babylonian, or Pagan worship? The Lord God who is a God of divine order gives us many identifiable facts that point to this very church. So many that it makes it overwhelmingly easy for the child of God THAT TRUSTS their Heavenly Father and His Word to see plainly. Please understand this is a major KEY in identifying the church of Antichrist! For if you do not trust your Creator or His Word, then it may be you this passage describes as one who embraces the flesh over and above the Spirit. For it is written well in...

What I am about to share with you is a list of documented admissions of the Roman Catholic church proving it's overwhelming connection to Babylon. Then afterwards I have a rather extensive list of facts regarding dogmatic, as well as ritualistic beliefs found in both Roman Catholicism and Babylon of old. I also have a FLASH animation on the website that shows numerous pictures of archeological findings regarding ancient Babylon of their beliefs, statues, rituals, and day by day activities that have an uncanny resemblance to things you can find in pictures of the Roman Catholic Vatican and all their churches. This FLASH animation is about an hour long. It has blessed many since I was blessed with the opportunity to create it. In fact, numerous websites carry this animation on their sites as well. It's in the "Flash Animations on Prophecy" section off the main page. Or you can find it in the "Whore of Babylon FLASH" link in the prophecy section of the website. I know it's an hour long, so I built a menu within it to allow you to stop and start the animation in any section.

Now.. on with the Roman Catholic admissions. They honestly admit they do as Babylon taught in writing! Such arrogance!



Cardinal Newman admits in his book that; the "The use of temples, and these dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on occasions with branches of trees; incense, lamps, and candles; votive offerings on recovery from illness; holy water; asylums; holydays and seasons, use of calendars, processions, blessings on the fields; sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure, the ring in marriage, turning to the East, images at a later date, ...the ecclesiastical chant, and the Kyrie Eleison, are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the Church. {374}" -An Essay on the The Development of the Christian Doctrine John Henry "Cardinal Newman" p.359 (Also see According to Dr. E. D. Clarke, Travels, vol. i. p. 352.)



Stopping here for a moment to clarify the fact that the Lord would NEVER allow His people to sanctify the rituals, idols, or doctrines of Pagans, we see the Lord stating plainly in...

Rome not only embraces the idol worship of the Pagan nations, they actually admit it!

How can anyone claim to sanctify anything the Lord said in the first place should be left behind is amazing to me. Continuing we find...



The penetration of the religion of Babylon became so general and well known that Rome was called the "New Babylon." -Faith of our fathers 1917 ed. Cardinal Gibbons, p. 106

"Confiding then in the power of Christianity to resist the infection of evil, and to transmute the instruments and appendages of demon worship to an evangelical use... the rulers of the church from early times were prepared should occasion arise, to adopt, or imitate, or sanction the existing rites and customs of the (Pagan) populace." -Development of Christian Doctrine, Cardinal Newman. p. 372

Cardinal Newman lists many examples of things of "pagan origin" which the papacy brought into the church "in order to recommend the new religion to the heathen: He stated, "in order to recommend the new religion to the heathen:" "The use of temples, and these dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on occasions with branches of trees; incense, lamps, and candles; holy water; asylums [hermitages, monasteries and convents]; [pagan] holy-days, processions, sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure, the ring in marriage, turning to the East, images, . . . and the Kyrie Eleison."--Cardinal J. H. Newman, An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, 1920 edition, p.373 [Roman Catholic].

"The [Catholic] Church took the pagan philosophy and made it the buckler of faith against the heathen. She took the pagan Roman Pantheon, temple of all the gods, and made it sacred to all the martyrs; so it stands to this day. She took the pagan Sunday and made it the Christian Sunday. She took the pagan Easter and made it the feast we celebrate during this season . . . The Sun was a foremost god with heathendom . . . The sun has worshipers at this hour in Persia and other lands . . . Hence the Church would seem to say, 'Keep that old pagan name [Sunday]. It shall remain consecrated, sanctified.' And thus the pagan Sunday, dedicated to Balder, became the Christian Sunday, sacred to Jesus"--William L. Gildea, "Paschale Gaudium," in The Catholic World, 58, March, 1894, p. 809 [A Roman Catholic weekly].

"The mighty Catholic Church was little more then the Roman Empire baptized."-- A. C, Flick, The Rise of the Mediaeval Church, 1909 edition, p. 148.

From ancient Babylon came the cult of the virgin mother-goddess, who was worshiped as the highest of gods--see S. H. Langdon, Semitic Mythology, 1931 edition.

This worship was taken over as Mary-worship by Rome. Heathen sun-worship on Sunday was likewise adopted by the Roman apostasy.

"In order to attach to Christianity great attraction in the eyes of the nobility, the priests adopted the outer garments and adornments which were used in pagan cults." -Life of Constantine, Eusabius, cited in Altai-Nimalaya, p. 94

"The Church did everything it could to stamp out such 'pagan' rites, but had to capitualet and allow the rites to continue with only the name of the local diety changed to some Christian saint's name." -Religious Tradition and Myth. Dr. Edwin Goodenough, Professor of Religion, Harvard University. p. 56, 57

"From the foregoing, which treats merely of the more important solar festivals, it is clear that these products of paganism are as much in force at present ...  as they ever were, and that Christianity countenances, and in many cases has actually adopted and practiced, pagan rites whose heathen significance is merely lost sight of because attention is not called tot the source whence these rites have sprung. So heavy was this infiltration that Sir Samuel Dill exclaims: "Christianity is only a sect of the Mithraists." -Roman Society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius, p. VII

Actually, it would befar more accurate if he said, "Catholicism is only a sect of the Mithraists." The true Remnant Christians of today would never do such things as this. As Revelation 14:4 puts it, the true Church of Christ is not defiled by these women (churches)

"We know that Mithraism was a state religion of Rome at the time that the Christian church was established there. Evidently tenants of Mithraism such as Sunday worship and eating the wafer in the mass were adopted into Christianity at that time" -Jim Arrabito "666 & the Mark" 

In Stanley's History, page 40: "The popes filled the place of the vacant emperors at Rome, inheriting their power, their prestige, and their titles from PAGANISM."

"In short, sun worship, symbolically speaking, lies at the very heart of the great festivals which the Christian Church celebrates today, and these relics of heathen religion have, through the medium of their sacred rites, curiously enough blended with practices and beliefs utterly antagonistic to the spirit which prompted them." -Sun Lore of All Ages, Olcott, p. 248

"Yet the cross itself is the oldest of phallic emblems, and the lozenge-shaped windows of cathedrals are proof that the yonic symbols have survived the destructions of the pagan Mysteries. The very structure of the church itself is permeated with phallicism. (sexual symbolism) Remove from the Christian Church all emblems of Priapic origin and nothing is left..." -The secret teaching of all ages by Manley P. Hall

"When the zealots of the primitave Christian Church sought to Christianize paganism, the pagan initiates retorted with a powerful effort to paganize Christianity. The Christians failed but the pagans succeeded. With the decline of paganism the initiated pagan hierophants transferred their base of operations to the new vehicle of primitive Christianity, adopting the symbols of the new cult to conceal those eternal verities which are ever the priceless possession of the wise." -The secret teachings of all ages, Manley P. Hall p. CLXXXV

The Christians failed because Christ would have no agreement with such error. He would never sanction mixing truth with error. Deuteronomy 12:29-32 confirms that perfectly!

"...The world, cloaked with a form of righteousness, walked into the church. Now the work of corruption rapidly progressed. Paganism, while appearing to be vanquished, became the conqueror. Her spirit controlled the church. Her doctrines, ceremonies, and superstitions were incorporated into the faith and worship of the professed followers of Christ." Ellen G.White, -The Great Controversy, p. 50

 "The belief in miracle-working objects, talismans, amulets, and formulas was dear to Christianity, and they were received from pagan antiquity . . . The vestments of the clergy and the papal title of 'pontifex maximus' were legacies from pagan Rome. The [Catholic] Church found that rural converts still revered certain springs, wells, trees, and stones; she thought it wiser to bless these to Christian use then to break too sharply the customs of sentiment . . . Pagan festivals dear to the people, reappeared as Christian feasts, and pagan rites were transformed into Christian liturgy . . . The Christian calendar of saints replaced the Roman 'fasti' [gods]; ancient divinities dear to the people were allowed to revive under the names of 'Christian saints' . . . Gradually the tenderest features of Astarte, Cybele, Artemis, Diana, and Isis were gathered together in the worship of Mary"--Wil Durant, The Age of Faith, 1950, pp. 745-746.

Langdon tells us that Mary worship came from ancient Babylon where the virgin mother-goddess was worshiped under the name "Ishtar." Elsewhere in the Near East, the mother-goddess was called "Astarte, Ashtoreth, Persephone, Artemis, [Diana] of Ephesus, Venus, and Isis." This goddess, considered to be greater than any god, was called by these heathen the "virgin mother, merciful mother, Queen of Heaven, and my lady" [which is what "Madonna" means in Italian]. Langdon says she was often sculptured in mother-and-infant images, or as a "mater dolorom" [sorrowful mother] interceding for men with a wrathful god. And thus ancient paganism was brought into the churches and lives of Christians.--see S.H. Langdon, Semitic Mythology, 1931 edition, pp. 12-34, 108-111, 341-344.

Laing mentions several other corruptions by which the mother-goddess was worshiped by heathens, that Rome adopted into Christianity: holy water, votive offerings, elevation of sacred objects [lifting of the host], the priest's bells, the decking of images, processions, festivals, prayers for the dead, the worship of relics and the statues of saints.--see Gordon J. Laing, Survivals of Roman Religion, 1931 edition, pp. 92-95, 123-131,238-241.

Two dominant elements brought into Christianity from paganism by Rome were Sun worship symbols and the religious practices of ancient Babylon] "The solar theology of the Chaldaeans [Babylonians], had decisive effect . . . [upon the] final form reached by the religion of the pagan Semites, and following them, by that of the Romans when [the Roman emperor] Aurelian, the conqueror of Palmyra, had raised 'Sol Invictus' [the invincible sun-god] to the rank of supreme divinity in the Empire"--The Cambridge Ancient History, vol. 11, pp. 643, 646-647. From Palmyra he transferred to the new sanctuary the images of Helios [the sun-god] and Bel, the malaise patron god of Babylon--see Cumont, The Oriental Religions In Roman Paganism, 1911 edition, pp. 114-115, 124.

 "The removal of the capital of the Empire from Rome to Constantinople in 330, left the Western Church, practically free from imperial power, to develop its own form of organization. The Bishop of Rome, in the seat of the Caesars, was now the greatest man in the West, and was soon [when the barbarians over-ran the empire] forced to become the political as well as the spiritual head."--A.C. Flick, The Rise of the Mediaval Church p. 168.

"Whatever Roman elements the barbarians and Aryans left . . . [came] under the protection of the Bishop of Rome, who was the chief person there after the Emperor's disappearance . . . The Roman Church in this way privily pushed itself into the place of the Roman World-Empire, of which it is the actual continuation; the empire has not perished, but has only undergone a transformation . . . It [the Catholic Church] is a political creation, and as imposing as a World-Empire, because [it is a continuation of] the Roman Empire. The Pope, who calls himself 'King' and 'Pontifex Maximus' [the title of the Roman Emperor in the time of Christ], is Caesar's successor."--Adolf Harnack, What is Christianity? 1963, pp. 269-270.
"Long ages ago, when Rome through the neglect of the Western emperors was left to the mercy of the barbarous hordes, the Romans turned to one figure for aid and protection, and asked him to rule them; and thus, . . . commenced the temporal sovereignty of the popes. And meekly stepping to the throne of Caesar, the vicar of Christ took up the scepter to which the emperors and kings of Europe were to bow in reverence through so many ages."--American Catholic Quarterly Review, April, 1911.

[Speaking of the time, about 500 A.D., when the Roman Empire was crumbling to pieces:] "No, the [Catholic] Church will not descend into the tomb. It will survive the Empire . . . At length a second empire will arise, and of this empire the Pope will be the master--more then this, he will be the master of Europe. He will dictate his orders to kings who will obey them"--Andrea Lagarde, The Latin Church in the Middle Ages, 1915, p. vi.

"From the foregoing, which treats merely of the more important solar festivles, it is clear that these products of paganism are as much in force at present... as they ever were, and that Christianity countenances, and in many cases has actually adopted and practiced, pagan rites whose heathen significance is merely lost sight of because attention is not called to the source whence those rites have spring. So heavy was this infiltration that Sir Samuel Dill exclaims: "Christianity is only a sect of the Mithraists." -Roman Society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius. P. vii



Notice the list below. Notice how Babylon invented the doctrine to worship the Pagan sun god. Then notice the "Christian" church of rome adopting 100% of the Pagan doctrines giving them Christian names. What you will find here is both shocking and heart breaking to say the least. So many devout people have been talked into worshipping the creature over and above the Creator Himself.

-[ Baal is The "Catholic" God ]-



1. The nativity of the Sun, the birth of Tammuz Dec. 25

The nativity of Jesus, or "Christmas" is held on December  25

2. The Midsummer festival of the Pagan was held on June 24 of each year  

The Nativity of St. John is held every year on June 24

3. The assumption of Semiramus who became the  mother godess of all Pagans

The assumption of Mary, who became the mother of God to all Catholics

4. The mother goddess was given the title, and worshipped as the Queen of Heaven. Jer. 7:18

The Virgin Mary is given the title, and worshipped as the Queen of Heaven by all Catholics.

4.a "Queen of Heaven" is wrath subduer of the Pagan god

Mary, "Queen of Heaven" subdues the wrath of Christ and His Father against sinners.

5. Cakes decorated to the goddess with a "+" drawn on it. Jer. 44:17,19

Hot cross buns are backed for Mary in most Roman Catholic churches

6. 40 days fasting before Easter for Tammuz, Ezek. 8:14

Catholics fast 40 days (Lent) before Easter

7. Sexual festival of Easter. Ezek 8:16

The Roman Catholic church initiated the sexual festival of Easter first in Christiandom

7a. Gathering at sunrise for worship Catholic church started Easter sunrise services first in Christiandom

8. The resurrection of Tammuz on Easter, and the procession of graven images during Easter holy week

 All Roman Catholic churches parade partake in processions of graven images of Jesus,  Mary, and Peter, and of the saints during Easter week

9. Veneration of graven images of Baal, Ishtar, Tammuz and lesser gods in the heavens

All Roman Catholic churches venerate graven images of Jesus, Mary, Peter,  and of the "lesser" saints in the heavens

10. The belief of the constant immortality of the soul, and burning place of eternal torment

 Rome teaches the belief of immortality of the soul and a burning place of eternal torment

11. Pagans believed in the doctrine of purgatory

Rome teaches the doctrine of purgatory

12. The belief of the dead visiting the living on a certain day each year. A feast is then held for all the dead on first day of November. (Called all souls day)

Rome teaches they must hold a festival for the dead on all souls day held Nov. 2, and all saints day held Nov. 1 of each year

13. Burning incense and candles Jer 11:17; Ezek 8:11

Rome, as well as every Satanic church burns incense and candles in their "masses"

14. Chants and repetitive prayers. Beaded prayer chains.

Rome as well as Satanists use chants and the beaded prayer chains. (Rome calls the chant "Gregorian chant" and the beaded chained "Rosary")

15. Symbol of the cross as symbol of Sun worship. Mesopotamian cylinder seals of old have been found that depicted the "cross in the sky" as a symbol of sun worship. Ancient carvings of an Assyrian kings have also had huge crosses carved on their chest. The oldest pictures in the world from Mesopotamia has text with is explaining the "cross" in the sky as the symbol for the sun. This particular archeological find is on display at the University Museum in Philadelphia PA.

The Roman Catholic church displays a plus sign "+" cross symbol not only on the walls, paintings, windows, and roofs of their churches. Their priests also have these crosses on their clothing. Many other churches also use them and even place them inside a circle as a double symbol of Baal. The crucifix itself is an elongated version of the cross of Baal as well. Pagan Rome of old offered human sacrifices to Baal on these crosses as well.

16. Pagans wear amulets and idols to scare away evil spirits

Roman Catholicism teaches the wearing of crucifixes and medals as a method of protection. The scapular is proof of that fact.

17. The round disk "sun" wafer with the IHS symbol for Isis, Horus & Seb, was eaten as food for the soul and worshipped as Baal incarnate

The Roman Catholic Eucharist / wafer also has the IHS carvings on it for Isis, Horus, and Seb. And it is also given as food for the soul, and is worshipped as god incarnate.

18. Pagan's would paint the child Tammuz and his mother Semiramus with the glory of the Sun around their heads 

Rome paints the child Jesus and his mother Mary with halos of the Sun around their heads

19. Pagan's performed infant baptism, and the sprinkling of holy water

Rome practices infant baptism, as well as the sprinkling of holy water

20. Pagans taught Necromancy (Talking to the dead)

Rome teaches Mysticism (Novenas/prayers to the dead)

21. The first day of the week kept sacred to honor the Persian sun god  Mithra. The name of the day was changed to  "SUN"day 

Rome admitted they changed the Sabbath from day 7 to day one in honor of "SUN"day

22. The title Pontifex Maximus was given to the chief head of the pagan Babylonian system of idolatry

The title Pontifex Maximus is the main title of the Popes of Rome

23. Pagan gods (Janus and Cybele) were believed to be holders of the keys to Heaven and Hell

The pope claims to have the keys of Peter within his clutches

24. The highest Pagan priest kings was carried on a throne to the to the Temple of his god in special ceremony

The Pope is carried on a portable throne to the Basilica of St. Peter (Sedia Gestoria) in special ceremony

25. The Pagan high priest king is believed to be the incarnate of the Sun god

The Pope proclaims to be Jesus Christ in the flesh on Earth

26. Pagan are taught to perform offerings of "good works" to appease the gods

Catholics are required to do penance, purchase indulgences, and perform many good works to gain salvation

27. Pagans had special houses for the virgin priestesses to be employed at Pagan temples. Some of these women were used as prostitutes for the heterosexual priests

The Roman Catholic church has Nuns

28. Pagan often had human sacrifices burned by fire as an offering to appease the sun god

Many millions of opposers of Roman Catholic doctrines were burned at the stake

29. Pagans believed that gold was the flesh of the "Sungod" and would fill their temples of worship with as much as possible

The Vatican is literally drenched in gold throughout, as are numerous cathedrals the world over

30. Pagans often placed stone carving of Gargoils upon their roofs as a pagan god of protection

The Vatican as well as thousands of Catholic churches across the globe have gargoils on their roofs

31. Phallic symbol of the male sex organ were placed on the roofs, or in courtyards of pagan temples

The Vatican has the largest phallic symbol in the middle of St Peter's square. Plus all Roman Catholic churches have them on their roofs. Today, we call them steeples.

32. The Solar  wheel is a symbol for Baal and was given reverence by the Pagans of old. This wheel can be found carved into ancient as well as modern Buddhist temples and carved into ancient ornamental form representing Osiris.

St Peter's square has largest solar wheel on the planet. ALL Catholic churches have numerous solar wheels in stain glass windows as well as many other areas of the church. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris sports a very huge one on it's face. There is a great one in ceiling as well as the floor tiles of the monastery of St. Ignatius Loyola in Spain. Numerous paintings, statues, ornaments, and letterheads of all Catholic churches have one or more "solar wheels" depicted upon them. And the ONE WORLD CHURCH that started on June 26, 2000 uses the solar wheel as its official logo on their letterhead

33. Archeologists have found numerous carvings of the serpent on Pagan Rome bath houses

The symbol of serpent can also be found on numerous Catholic churches in door handles, Papal crests, etc.

34. Pagans have depicted "Atlas" as carrying the universe on his shoulders. They would place a large globe upon his shoulders.

Numerous Popes have been depicted in paintings in the exact same manner. There are also some paintings and statues of Mary doing same

35. Pagans used the symbols of the "Unicorn, Peacock, and Phoenix" to signify some of their sun gods

Symbols of the "Unicorn, Peacock, and Phoenix" used to symbolize the "communion" of Christ are found carved in gold in many churches on doors or chapels as well as the small sanctuary buildings housing the Eucharist or wafer god of Rome

36. Crescent moon used to signify moon goddess "Nanna" was depicted in numerous paintings, etchings, carvings and statues. It was also used to cradle the sun god in wafer form before the people for worship

The crescent is also used to cradle Eucharist in the Monstrance of the Roman Catholic church, and is paraded before the people for worship. It is also seen in countless paintings, etchings, carvings, and sculptures

37. The three letters "S.F.S" within a small blaze was used to represent the universal mystery for the number "6" in the Pagan mysteries

S.F.S in a small blaze is boldly carved into the Vatican Monstrance for all to see in the Vatican museum as well as many monstrance's in churches the world over

38. Alternating rays of the sun burst used to represent unity of "man and woman" common in all aspects of Paganism. (Curved ray = female "yonic" Straight ray = male "phallic")

The monstrance of Catholicism, as well as many paintings and sculptures all depict same rays of both the "phallic and yonic" symbol can be found literally all over the Roman Catholic churches.

39. Carvings of "nature spirits" (fauns or satyrs) depicting a horned, hoofed-god were a common feature in all Pagan churches

Carvings of "nature spirits" (fauns or satyrs) depicting a horned, hoofed-god are found all over the Treasury of the Vatican beneath St Peters square as well as many Cathedrals around the world

40. The statues of a "Madonna" can be found in all Pagan churches as well as the Egyptian Madonna, Isis, with her son Horus, or Hindu churches with Divaki and her son Krishna

Mary is found in all Catholic churches holding baby Jesus wearing the same clothing, as well as Jesus making the same hand signals

41. The statue of Zeus holds symbol of thunder and a lightening bolt Pagans taught symbolised his position as a god.

Mary has been depicted in many statues in same manner all throughout the Vatican as well as many churches

42. Pagans have demi-gods holding crooked diving staffs that represent the serpent as well as the lightening bolt

The Pope himself carries the exact same staff today. (serpent crosiers) He is photographed often with it as well

43. In Pagan Rome you would find, Adad, Enlil, Baal, Neptune, Poseidon and other "gods" of storm and sea being depicted as carrying tridents in their hands

Crosses as well as statues of Jesus and Mary in Cathedrals all over the world carved with tridents on them. There is even a gold statue of baby Jesus in the Vatican with three tridents coming out of his head. All three tridents also depict the phallic and yonic symbolism as well in that statue. They even curved the forks to make that fact known.

44. Hand gestures in the form of a trident can be  found depicted in Pagan gods such as Jupiter, Buddah, Appollo, and Hindu diety's as well. They are called "votive hands" in pagan temples

Statue of St. Peter (Originally the old Jupiter statue of Rome) as well as millions of other statues, paintings, photos, and videos of everyone from Jesus and Mary to priests, cardinals,bishops, all the Popes, Vatican guards, and even lay people themselves in the Catholic church can be seen holding up the three finger trident salute of pagan Rome. (Now called the salute to the Trinity)

45. Pine cones used to represent the deity of a  solar god Osiris, Bacchus, Dionysus,  as well as Mexican gods, Hindu gods, and Assyrian gods can be found all throughout Pagan Rome

The largest pine cone sculpture in the world is found in the "Court of the pine cone" at the Vatican. The pine cone is also found carved into the crooked pagan staff (serpent crosier) of the Popes of Rome. In fact the pine cone is found all throughout the Vatican as well as Cathedrals as decoration. The staff the pope holds with the deformed Jesus and crooked cross on it has a pine cone under the base of the cross.

46. Oanne, the Babylonian fish-god (half man half fish) was depicted by Pagan high priests by wearing a fish head mitre (head dress) upon a mans head to symbolize man and fish joining when the "sun god" set into the ocean. (Neptune = case in point. Half man half fish) One particular Biblical deity that confirms this is "Dagon" found in 1Samuel. (Dag=fish  On=sun)

Mitres or head dresses that are worn by all Popes of Catholicism are an exact duplicate of these Dagon head dresses.

47. The Roman sun-god face with the alternating yonic and phallic symbols surrounding his head was found carved in excavated Roman bath houses in England. It is also found as "Apollo"  on the facade of the Pergamum Museum in East Berlin. 

Almost all Catholic churches have the exact same carving above their pulpits, pillars, on statues, as well as carved into ceilings above altars. Some Catholic churches actually have it carved into the Eucharist itself. There is also a statue in Rome of Mary cradling the face within a blaze in her arms as if he is her child. Plus, many Weather reporters use this face inside a solar blaze as a graphic for their weather reports

48. Statues of the Romanized Egyptians Isis with globes in her hand, Hercules as a solar deity carried the very same globe in his hand, and the Persian sun-god Mithra is also depicted with the globe in his hand as a sign he is ruler of the Universe.

The Vatican has a solid gold statue of Jesus with the globe in hand, a black marble statue called "the black virgin of Montserrat" and a statue of a "child Jesus" with globe in hand as well as countless other statues all over the world with Mary and others holding the globe

49. Coptic shells were carved to symbolize the Universe as well. Roman grave stones used them to represent the Heavens. Statues of Atlas can be found carrying the "universe" shell upon his shoulders. Pagan Rome carved Poseidon with the shell as part of his head. Venus was said to be born from within a Coptic shell.

St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican has this Pagan symbol within the papal crest upon the wall. The Coptic shell is also found over the crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral in London. This cosmic symbol is often used as a font for holding holy water in Catholic churches the world over. They even have statues of angels holding this pagan symbol filled with holy water

50. The large evil eye can be found carved on a Roman sarcophagus in the National Archaeological Museum in Rome Italy. Masonic pendants have them as well. Hathor, the "eye of Osiris" can be found all over Egyptian temple. It was commonly used as protection against evil magic

This very same evil eye within the pyramid is found on Roman Catholic pulpits, ceilings, altars, doors, pendants, medals, etc. It is also on the back of the dollar bill of the USA on the left side floating above an unfinished pyramid.

51. The multi-level crown of the high Pagan priest was first worn by old Babylonian gods in 1800BC. The horned tiara was carved atop Assyrian winged-bull cherubims as well. The Jewish Kabbalistic solar deity wore this very same tiara, as did Krishna.

The bronze tomb of Pope Sixtus depicts his dead body in bronze with this three ringed tiara on his head. On that tiara you can also see 6 serpents upon it. All the Popes have worn the tiara as a symbol of their authority as "gods of the earth, heaven, and hell." Hence, the "three rings" upon it. The Vatican has a solid gold tiara on display in the Vatican treasury at all times. This is the very crown the Pope will hand to Antichrist when he arrives to impersonate Jesus Christ in the days ahead.

52. Quetzalcoatl, "the lord of life and death" in the Aztec and Toltec cultures of 1000 AD had an opened chest with an exposed heart displayed in his statues. This was believed to be nourishment offered to the sun gods.

Literally hundreds of thousands of statues, paintings, posters, lithographs, rings, medals, and icons have Jesus as well as Mary depicted in the exact same manner with what the Catholic church calls "The sacred heart." Notice that these "sacred hearts" also have the symbols of the sun god Mithra glowing rather boldly behind them at all times. 

53. Assyrian carvings show eagles as genies hovering over the dead. Their "book of the dead" depicts just such a picture on its cover.

Eagles are used as symbols all over the Roman Catholic church. See Rev 18:2 for it speaks of the Vatican as the "hold of ever foul spirit, and a cage of ever unclean and hateful bird."

Now do you understand WHY the Vatican is declared the "WHORE OF BABYLON?"


Antichrist must join with the kings of the earth.

Were you aware that as of the year 2000 there are over 170 ambassadors to the Vatican? And were you also aware that everyone of those ambassadors, as well as each delegate from each of those nations must have at one time or another bowed before the Pope in an act of worship by kissing his ring? Keep in mind that the Vatican is not only a religious organization, it is also a bonafide nation as of 1929 when Mussolini signed the Lateran treaty with Cardinal Gasspari. That means, the Vatican is the only religious organization that has a seat in all United Nation meetings. Or as prophecy describes it, the Vatican religious organization has joined with the kings of the earth. Rome does this so the Vatican can use it's national status to perform religious acts it deems necessary in a global agenda. And ALL nations that have any interest in global movements have already stated they agree with the Vatican. They have openly joined with her on many issues of global importance. In fact, not a single nation makes a major move, or adopts a national policy without first making sure it doesn't go against any of the plans of Rome. If they do Rome will most assuredly use the power of the lamb horned beast (USA) to make sure they stay in line. Plus, as of the inception the Roman International Criminal Court system coming to be in 1999, all nations know that it would not be a wise decision to go against the Vatican. What with the USA, or as prophecy defines it, the lamb horned beast bowing to the Vatican's suggestions regarding warfare. This by the way is regardless of what the media pumps before the masses. They know that to go against Rome would be futile. Many historians tie all the modern day wars, and most wars of the past to Roman Catholic influence. The prophecy is sure when it is said that "...Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? " -Revelation 13:4

Of course this final hour prophecy being spoken of is yet to arrive when all the kings will join with Rome in it's globally realized attack on the true Christian that follows the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. But when that day comes, it will be their final act of rebellion against the Creator God. That act will end with their total destruction as Jesus Christ Himself, with His Father, will split the eastern sky to put and end to their blasphemous reign. However, as of April of 1968 we see that day approaching quickly.

Adaptive Model of the Global World System
“The Club [of Rome] had its beginnings in April of 1968, when leaders from ten different countries gathered in Rome…The organization claims to have the solutions for world peace and prosperity...The Club of Rome has been charged with the task of overseeing the regionalizaton and unification of the entire world...

“The Club’s findings and recommendations are published from time to time in special, highly confidential reports, which are sent to the power-elite to be implemented. On 17 September 1973 the Club released one such report, entitled Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System… The document reveals that the Club has divided the world into ten political/ economic regions, which it refers to as ‘kingdoms.’”

They actually use the same terminology expressed in the prophecy. The Lord stated they would have "ten kings" in the end that rule the world, and the club of Rome declares there will be "ten kingdoms" in the coming days. For more information on their plans, see my June 2006 Truth Provided Newsletter


Antichrist will mock Christ so as to confuse the unlearned.

 Many people the world over will be drafted into total acceptance of the Antichrist theology by sheer ignorance. This is becoming an easy task for Rome in fact. They have already gotten their church goers to refuse the bible. All throughout it's history it has shunned and even declared the Bible a dangerous book. Most Catholics that I have met before and after leaving this church have stated they never read a bible. In 1229ad the Catholic church even put the Bible on the index of forbidden books as we learned earlier.

Rome still has a problem with the Word to this day. Walk into any Catholic church and you will find what they call a "misslette" to be used for the mass. It's a small booklet filled with prayers, bits and pieces of out of context bible passages, and songs to be used in the Catholic mass. I recall as a youth how some people would get strange looks if they would enter the church with a bible.

By the way, it's not just Roman Catholicism that has this problem now. On my "Bogus Bibles" page in the warnings section of the website I share proof that the Vatican has been instrumental in re-writing the modern day bibles to fit their dogma. Start at the top of that page and work your way down. You will see a pattern as to why certain verses have been re-written or completely removed from most bibles today. I share the facts on two of the most popular bibles on that page. The NIV and the NASB. If you never heard of this before, be prepared for a shock.

If you don't have a trusted King James bible, you may miss some of the ways the Antichrist mocks the Lord to try and pull people into their camp. So.. how does Antichrist mock the Lord? There are actually hundreds of ways, but to give you a quick idea, I have a few I can share with you here. 

  • Jesus reigned on earth for 3.5 years in His ministry. The Vatican killed over 500 million people and reigned on earth for 1260 years. 1260 is actually 3.5 prophetic years as we learned earlier.
  • Jesus was mortally wounded at His crucifiction. The Vatican was mortally wounded in 1798
  • Jesus resurrected. The Vatican resurrected in 1929
  • Both Christ and the beast have many horns. The Lamb of God has 7 horns in Revelation 5:6. The Beast has 10 in Revelation 13:1
  • Both Jesus and the beast seek and receive worship
  • Both Jesus and the beast have a global and universal agenda. Jesus for the good of all for eternity. The beast for the death of all for eternity.
  • Jesus was born of a virgin. Antichrist of old stated Tammuz was born of a virgin.
  • Both Jesus and the Vatican claim a day or rest and worship. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, the Vatican admits to inventing Sunday as their day as we will get into much more detail later.
  • I could actually go on and on with literally hundreds of proofs that show the Vatican will take what the Bible says, and then twist it to fit a Pagan, or Babylonian doctrine. But I feel this next set of facts should suffice. I share this because it is quite shocking and eye opening at the same time. It has to do with the Roman Catholic mixed god of Christmas. The facts I am about to share is but a very small portion of facts from my Christmas page on the website in the warnings section of the menu. There is so much evidence on that page that shows every aspect of Christianity is mixed with Paganism and then used to mock the Lord Jesus. But this set of facts I am about to share is what I consider to be the best example.


    1. Has white hair like wool                                                 1. Revelation 1:14 - Daniel 7:9

    2. Beard-curly and white                                                    2. Isaiah 50:6 - Rev. 1:14

    3. Comes from North Pole                                                 3. Ez. 1:4; Ex.26:35 Psa.48:2

    4. Omniscient-knows about all                                           4. Revelation 19:6

    5. Ageless, eternal                                                            5. Rev. 1:8,21:6; Hebrews 13:8

    6. Makes List of Judgments                                               6. Rev.20:12; 14:7; 21:27; 2 Cor.5:10

    7. Checks list twice                                                          7. Dan. 8:14; Matt. 10:26, 1 Cor.5:10

    8. Gifts given on basis of a list                                           8. Matt.25:21; Rev. 21:27; 22:14

    9. Christmas rewards once yearly                                      9. Leviticus 23:26-32

    10. Confess wrongs to Santa                                            10. I John 2:1, I Tim. 2:5

    11. Promise to be better next year                                     11. John 14:15,21; 15:10; I Jn. 2:3

    12. Asks children to obey parents                                      12. Eph. 6:1; Prov. 6:20; Col. 3:20

    13. Hour of his coming a mystery                                       13. Luke 12:40; Mark 13:33; Matt.24:36

    14. Rudolph's shining nose to guide                                   14. Matt. 2:2,7,9-10; Numbers 24:17

    15. Calls all children to his knee                                         15. Matt. 19:14, Luke 18:16

    16. Be good for goodness sake                                         16. Matt. 19:17; Col 1:29; Phil. 2:13

    17. Has a twinkle in his eye                                              17. Rev. 1:14, 2:18

    18. Swift visit to whole world in 1 day.                                18. 2 Peter 3:8; Rev. 18:8, Isa. 47:9

    19. Omnipresent-Found in every mall                                 19. Psa. 139:7-10; Eph. 4:6

    20. Says "Ho,ho"                                                             20. Zecheriah 2:6

    One more thing that bothers me about this is how Antichrist has convinced most parents it's ok to teach your children to lie. Like many of us, when I was a child, I was told that Santa Claus was "All Powerful" because he makes millions of toys and delivers them in one night. He defies the laws of nature by flying and jumping down narrow chimneys. With Santa all things are possible. He is by definition, Omnipotent. Which by definition means... "...having unlimited power or authority; all powerful-the Omnipotent God." (-Webster's New World Dictionary)

    I was told that Good Ol' Saint Nick knows all things (At least he knows when every boy and girl is bad or good or how they behave throughout the year). He is by definition, Omniscient. Which by definition means... "having infinite knowledge; knowing all things-the Omniscient God." Webster's New World Dictionary

    Think about that for a moment. Parents all over the world have been telling bold face lies to their children since birth about a fat man in a red suit that comes down a chimney to place gifts underneath the tree. Now guess what happens when the child comes of age. The child realizes that mommy and daddy have been lying to him the whole time! He now figures lying is ok, because mommy and daddy do it. And not only that, but this child realizes that IT WORKED!!! He actually realizes that his parents lied to him and HE BELIEVED THEM! So now he has concrete evidence that lying is a resourceful tool that he can use to his advantage. And his own parents taught him IT'S OK TO DO SO!



    The Library of Universal Knowledge says:--

    "Nicholas Saint (St. Claus), a highly popular saint of the Roman Catholic Church, and reverenced with still greater devotion by the Russian Church, which regards him as a special patron, was one of the early bishops of Mysia, in Lysia. The precise date of his episcopate is a subject of much controversy. Of his personal history hardly anything is certainly known, and the great popularity of the devotion to him wrought through his intercession. He is regarded in Catholic countries as a special patron of the young, and particularly of scholars. On the vigil of his feast, which is held on December 6, ("St.Nicks" day) a person in the appearance and costume of a bishop assembles the children of a family or a school and distributes among them, to the good, gilt nuts, sweetmeats, and other little presents as the rewards of good conduct; to the naughty ones, the redoubtable punishment klanbauf. The supposed relics of St. Nicholas were conveyed from the East to Bari, in the kingdom of Naples, toward the close of the eleventh century." Thus the fable is a part of the old relic-worshiping traditions of a corrupt church. The nearness of his feast, in December, to the Christmas festival, led to associating the saint and the present-giving idea with the feast of December 25. We must admit, in the light of the Bible, that it is very foolish and wrong to teach little children the tales of Santa Claus. "Little children, keep yourselves from idols."



    The Lord demands more of us than of them, because we have come into existence in the age of wonderful research and discovery, "when knowledge should increase" as Daniel 12:4 said was inevitable. The Bible has been in our mothers tongue several centuries now. In the light of this situation, we would certainly deserve severe criticism for our ignorance if we should continue to honor old traditions or relic worship. Still.. most people do to this day in the name of Christianity. In essence, they MOCK the Lord just as Antichrist has taught them to do. Is this any different than the "Certain Damsel" of Acts chapter 16. No it's not. Sadly, most are completely unaware they are doing wrong. And praise the Lord we have a merciful God, for it is written that He actually winks at our times of ignorance. (See Acts 17:30)

    Many upright Christians in the past have taken part in the old festival to some extent, and such we will not criticize, because they did it in ignorance. But in this enlightened age it is indeed high time to inquire: "What concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?" 2 Cor. 6:15,16. We as Christians need to take a stand and stop this open mockery of our Lord Jesus Christ. If the Vatican wants to continue on, let them. But as for me and my house, I will serve the Lord!

    Still many Christians, not only Catholics, but also Protestants, continue year by year at the Christmas festival to honor the old idol relics under a Christian garb. This is indeed very unfortunate, and it is going so far that entrance fees are demanded in many Protestant churches for their Christmas plays. O, what a dishonor to our dear Saviour, who has pointed out a distinct line between the holy and the profane!


    Antichrist, and the men he controls will not have a desire for women.

    The Vatican boldly declares in their catechism...



    "Celibacy is the renunciation of marriage implicitly or explicitly made, for the more perfect observance of chastity, by all those who receive the Sacrament of Orders in any of the higher grades." (For the ENTIRE document in the Catholic Encyclopdia, see this )



    Absolutely every person on earth knows that the Roman Catholic priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes are not married. It is also well known that the majority of these men are gay. For more evidence supporting this fact, see my RCC & SEX page in the Catholicism Exposed section of the website.

    This homosexual group of men are the most extreme gathering of women haters known to man. In fact, there is now documented evidence of their hatred now in writing.



    This is probably the only healthy man in modern history who never saw the form or heard the voice of a woman! The monk Mihailo died in 1938 at the age of 82 in one of the monasteries atop Mount Athos in Greece. When his mother passed away during his birth, Mihailo was taken to Athos. Not once in his entire life did he leave his monastic colony, which for more than 900 years has strictly excluded all females - both animal and human. -The book of amazing facts, Vol. 1 page 69



    Can you imagine the graphic hatred of these men, that they would refuse an infant to ever see a woman? Can you imagine what they told this child as he grew up about women? Over the years I have heard my fair share of twisted passages and strange doctrinal opinions to confirm the celibacy of the Roman priests. But all of them fall as easy as a house of cards with one simple passage in Timothy's writings.

    Now I know that it is written in 1 Corinthians 7:8-9, "I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.  But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn."

    The apostle is telling them it is a better thing to stand alone so as to be better concentrate on their walk with the Lord. Verse 32 of that same chapter confirms this. But there will always be those as verse 9 describes. They will BURN with lust within themselves. Therefore, for them it is better to marry. 1 Corinthians 7:36 says, "But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry."

    Rome denies these facts. They openly deny the sanctity of marriage. If they were to be biblical, at least some of their priests would be married, and the rest would be those that could stand alone. But since many of them are as Daniel said Antichrist will be, they truly don't desire women in the first place. It is a proven fact. The Roman Catholic priesthood is not only the largest organized group of gay men known to man. They are also the largest known group of men that have been judged worthy of the AIDS virus.



    Catholic Priests dying of AIDS, often in silence.

    ...the annualized death rate of priests confirmed by The Star to have died of AIDS in Kansas and Missouri from 1987 to 1999 is 7 per 10,000, or seven times that of the general population. That death rate is consistent with the rate calculated by The Star after reviewing death certificates of priests who died in California, Missouri and Massachusetts in 1995. The finding: six priests -- or 7.3 per 10,000 -- died of AIDS in those states that year. The AIDS death rate of the general population in those three states in 1995 was 1.8 per 10,000. A.W. Richard Sipe, a former priest who has spent more than 30 years studying sexuality issues in the church, thinks that about 750 priests nationwide have died of such illnesses. That would translate into an AIDS-related death rate eight times that of the general population. Joseph Barone, a New Jersey psychiatrist and AIDS expert, puts the number of U.S. priests who have died at 1,000 -- nearly 11 times the rate of the general population.

    "And the church just doesn't want to admit it." -By JUDY L. THOMAS - The Kansas City Star Date: 01/29/00 22:15 Rich Sugg/The Star (This is NOT the "Star" tabloid you find in supermarkets)



    ELEVEN TIMES THE RATE OF THE GENERAL POPULATION OF THE USA? 11 TIMES? Is this not an open and shut case I ask? Even if none of the prophecies that openly prove this Church is being controlled by Antichrist were ever to be uttered, this evidence of decadent behavior alone should be proof enough for those loyal Catholics still trapped within the walls of this Church to get out now. These vile and putrid fruits of evil speak volumes unto the Christian heart that this is NOT the Church of Jesus Christ. Denial of this FACT must end in the hearts NOW. This church has been puffing up it's chest proclaiming itself "another god on Earth" for so long that finally it has come to a place of open and apparent JUDGMENT before the eyes of man! And according to the book of Revelation the open evidence of evil within this church is going to get more graphic in the days to come. How long will this church of apparent evil pronounce they walk as Jesus Christ proclaimed His children should walk? How long will they torture, murder, molest, deceive, and destroy the innocent? How long shall these priests mock a Mighty and ever living God? Well, at the rate of 11 times that of the national average, not much longer.

    Since I have been exposing Rome a little over 19 years now (as of 2004), I have come across the occasional priest or layperson that has insisted that if in fact a priest sought out marriage, Rome would not object. They say that it’s just that the priests prefer celibacy. They in fact claim marriage is holy and sacred. In fact, not too long ago I received an article from the Roman Catholic publication named regarding this very fact. In this article on February 10, 2004 Roman Catholic Cardinal Edward Egan assailed the notion of homosexual marriage and criticized Hollywood for "desecrating" marriage and destroying "something sacred and holy." ( see , Article #ZE04021024)

    I know this seems confusing for Rome to say in one breath that marriage is holy and sacred, and in the next say it is NOT for our priests! Prophetic fact is, the god of Rome is in fact the author of confusion. They seek to “appear” holy, so as to make all think they have no stake in this homosexual agenda. In fact, what occurred quite recently has blessed me with an open and shut case on Rome’s hatred of the sanctity of marriage. This Cardinal lies when he said the Vatican embraces marriage, and I can now prove it. 

    In May of 2001 Roman Catholic archbishop Emmanuel Milingo married Korean acupuncturist Maria Sung. Rev Sun Myung Moon officiated at the wedding. When the Vatican got wind of this, they threatened the archbishop with excommunication if he didn’t divorce the woman at once! If I’m not mistaken they did excommunicate him so as to get his attention. This of course is regardless of that fact that…

    Milingo held out as long as he could, but in August of that very year, he did finally renounce his marriage and left his wife behind so he could go back to Rome, and regain his status as archbishop. This amazed more than a few people both in and outside of Rome. The Roman Catholic church actually forced this man to divorce his wife even though she did not do anything worthy of divorce. How can Cardinal Egan say that Rome embraces marriage as something holy and sacred, and then force a man to divorce his wife because he’s a priest? Does the prophetic word speak of a church as this…? Again, yes. Look in 1 Timothy chapter 4 and you will see that, in the latter days, not only will they depart from the faith and embrace doctrines of demons, they will forbid to marry! Why? Satan hates the institution of marriage. It was instituted in Eden BEFORE sin entered the World. By the way, this is also why Satan attacks the 7th day Sabbath. It too was instituted before sin entered into the world.

    The Word is plain. If you seek to be a Pastor you must be the husband of one wife. Yet Rome says no way! You will be excommunicated from the church if you marry a woman! However, do a little research and you will find that NONE of the child molesters that are behind bars for molesting little boys have been officially excommunicated. Not even the ones convicted, last I checked. Yet they DID commit hellish acts, and were convicted of same! Archbishop Milingo committed no sin in getting married, and he is threatened with excommunication. THAT says a lot about Rome’s true intentions towards the homosexual lifestyle. This church is not even trying to hide their homosexual tendencies at this time. In fact, they are openly lobbying in favor of man boy love as we speak.




    LIFESITE SPECIAL REPORT - November 2, 2000

    TORONTO, Nov. 2 ( - LifeSite has learned that an Oct. 27 concert at St. Basil's Catholic Church in Toronto featured a composition by Gerald Hannon, Canada's leading advocate of "intergenerational sex," or pedophilia. Hannon was part of the choir and he was applauded separately after the piece by the musicians and those in attendance.

    ...Hannon is one of Canada's most outspoken defenders of pedophilia. In Dec. 1977 he published an article, entitled "Men Loving Boys Loving Men," wherein he discussed favourably and explicitly homosexual sex acts with boys as young as seven years of age. The article led to criminal charges, but Hannon was acquitted



    This may seem shocking to some, but it appears all those at that Catholic concert had no problem applauding Canada’s leading advocate of pedophilia. In fact, in France we see this happening…



    Priest says paedophilia was good for children
    September 04 2001 at 05:40PM

    Aix-en-Provence, France - A Roman Catholic priest on trial in this southern French town for failing to disclose the sexual abuse of minors has argued that the paedophilic acts that took place in his parish were actually good for the children.  Father Hubert Barral, 67, who heads the parish in the village of Vernegues, faces up to five years in prison if convicted on a charge of failing to assist a person in danger and failing to report a crime.  …  Barral had also told one of the children that making love was a way of being in touch with God. - Sapa-AFP



    With all this in mind, I would also like for you to keep in mind all the pedophilia lawsuits that are popping up all over the world against Roman Catholic priests. In fact it gotten so bad that a gag order was placed on the media regarding these lawsuits. Why? Common sense… if the Catholic people knew just how bad it really was, they would have to close a lot more than just 80 churches in the Boston area, like they had to do recently.

    All this legal activity is causing such a drain on the Vatican’s finances that it is obvious they are in trouble. They know that if this continues much longer they will be shut down permanently. So… what can they do to either lesson the dollar amounts on the lawsuits, or get them to drop altogether? The answer is in fact... LEGALIZING HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGES!

    Ok..ok.. some of you may be thinking…HUH? Did you just say homosexual marriage is going to help Rome out of this mess? Yes, that’s exactly what I said. Before homosexual marriage, you had lawsuits that are legally very offensive. But with homosexual marriage you open then door to a bevy of perversion that the laws of the land can accept and allow for some leeway. Case in point is what happened in Canada recently.

    I reported in a few Truth Provided Audio clips back in June and July of last year, that Rome needs to push the homosexual agenda forward so as to help them out of this looming financial disaster. Since the Roman Catholic Scandal regarding the vulgar and sickening act of child molestation, I have noticed a political blitzkrieg in the media regarding homosexuality. Articles on almost every topic concerning the homosexual lifestyle have flooded the media. Directly after Canada allowed homosexual marriages, I reported in an audio clip that we should be watching Rome and their pedophilia problem more closely now.

    Thing is… as usual, Rome will get her problem fixed by hiding behind governing officials doing her dirty work. This is how the Inquisitions worked, this is how Hitler worked, and this is how the US Government has been doing it lately as well. Case in point, less than a week after the homosexual marriage announcement in Canada you saw this occur in the USA…



    Victims Angered and Upset by Ruling Freeing Molesters
    July 12, New York Times -By JOHN M. BRODER

    LOS ANGELES, July 12 — George Neville Rucker, an 82-year-old former Roman Catholic priest, was on a two-month cruise off the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, when, the authorities said, his past finally caught up with him.

    …But this week, before any evidence was presented to a jury, Mr. Rucker walked out of court a free man. He is among perhaps hundreds of people in California who are being freed from trial or jail as a result of a United States Supreme Court ruling on June 26 overturning a 1993 California law that allowed charges against child molesters protected by a previous deadline on prosecutions.

    State officials said the decision affected as many as 800 people accused of sexual offenses or already convicted.

    The ruling and the release of the offenders has infuriated victims and frustrated prosecutors."We're still licking our wounds here," said William Hodgeman, head of the sexual crimes unit of the Los Angeles County district attorney's office. "Conservatively, we have over 200 impacted cases in L.A. County alone, with the prospect of it going higher."

    He added, "Without question, there will be established child molesters free from custody and allowed to go back into the communities from whence they came."



    Can anyone see what is transpiring here? Absolutely every person in the United States of America that has access to a Television, a radio, the Internet, or even a newspaper knows that the Roman Catholic church is the sole beneficiary of such a horrendous law as this! Only Rome will benefit by this! Sure some pedophiles that are not Catholic priests will be released from prison, and we can solely thank Rome for that. But it’s TRULY Rome that will be blessed by this. Literally thousands of lawsuits across this nation prove that beyond a doubt! You would have to be literally dead, or in a coma to miss this simple reality! The largest organized group of child molesters is in fact Roman Catholic priests! Just as Daniel's prophecy predicted!

    Please pray for them! Because the fact of the matter is plain. They probably don't even know they are in error, let alone dangerous.



    Those the Antichrist persecutes will go into hiding during the great 1260 year tribulation. AFTERWARDS they will re-surface.

    The Bible declares that there will be a Christian church that will have to go into hiding during this hellish reign of the Roman Catholic church as it kills over 500 Million followers of Jesus Christ. There is only ONE church that historically did this act. There is documented evidence to support that only one church did as Revelation 12:17 says the Church of Jesus would do in these last hours. 

    Only one church AFTER 1798 resurfaced from hiding that did as Revelation 12:17. See this documented LIST of Commandment keeping Christians throughout History to verify in your heart that the real Christians always kept the commandments through history. And most had to do it in hiding. Plus, click here to see a bible study sharing many Scriptural facts about the Ten Commandments. Notice this as well. Everyone admits that this church did arrive on the scene around 1798. That is directly AFTER the mortal wound was administered to the Pope as we learned earlier. And it was most assuredly at the end of a 1260 year period of time as we discovered earlier as well. Most honest historical researchers will openly admit it was the Seventh Day Adventist Church that was prophetically coming "out of hiding" at this time. The original Seventh-day Adventist church is in fact a commandment keeping church that did "appear" around the early 1800's. Fact is, this Sabbath keeping Christian church was there all along since day one. Historians also admit the SDA church is the only church with an overwhelming ministry preaching PROPHECY as Revelation 12:17 declares they would do. And it is also noted the Roman Catholic church hates the "original" SDA church with a passion as Revelation 12L17 said they would. What they fail to realize is that prophecy said they would come out of hiding directly after the Beast is mortally wounded, and now history records that happened exactly on time. PLUS, prophecy also states this church will have the "Testimony of Jesus Christ" in the above verse correct? And what is the Testimony of Jesus Christ?

    There is STILL only one church that has been keeping ALL TEN of the commandments including the Sabbath commandment #4 that also has the "GIFT OF PROPHECY" within its walls throughout the centuries. That is why the "dragon" / "Rome" is so angry with it. Those that do as Revelation 12:17 declares, causes anger in Rome because we can AND HAVE told people what the Pope will do BEFORE he actually does it! How? By understanding the prophecy of the Word of God and declaring it to the world! By the way, the "original" Sabbath keeping Christians HAVE been busy preaching Biblical facts for some time now. Look around you and see that MANY have done as Revelation 18:1-4 declared would happen AFTER they heard the Truth proclaimed by the Children of the Lord. Some churches have actually changed their doctrinal statements as well because of this blessed collection of souls. I know of Sabbatarian Baptist churches, as well as the Seventh day Church of God. Plus many small home churches are popping up all over the World that preach this "Three Angels Message" that was first uttered around 1798.

    By the way... Why do I refer to them as the "original" SDA church? Because that church has been corrupted just as prophecy declared it would be. On my "ROMAN SDA" FLASH animation page, I have created a 2 hour animation that boldly proclaims this prophetic fact fulfilled this very day. The "original SDA" church is no more a Christian church. It is now a Roman Catholic controlled church. In that 2 hour animation are hundreds of well researched quotes from the General Conference of Seventh day Adventists church that prove it has been infiltrated, and completely taken over by the Vatican. Where is this prophesied?



    • Early in the morning = Jewish nation  
  • 3rd hour = Christians
  • 6th hour = Protestants
  • 9th hour = Seventh-day Adventists
  • 11th hour = Sabbath keepers of today


        The truth is that the true believers separated themselves from the Synagogue of the Jewish nation, they also stepped away from the Paganism of Roman Catholicism, and they even stepped out of Protestant error as well. And now we see the Remnant believers once again going in the only true direction a child of God can go. We can only be led by the Lamb of God. We are not to be defiled by these women (apostate churches). The Lord's elect cannot be deceived! We must follow wherever He leads. We do so only because we are His sheep, and we most assuredly hear His voice. When the leaders of the church openly embrace error and refuse every warning to repent, the remnant can stand no longer with them. Especially after so much has been done to try and make known to them the apostasy they not only embrace, but encourage. Are we not a people who understand prophetic jurisprudence? Are we not moved deep within to seek refuge where we can worship in truth as our hearts so deeply desire? The elect cannot stand with error, no more than Satan can stand in truth. It is literally impossible.


    Antichrist is a "mother" church (daughters have come out of her)

    The Roman Catholic church fits this description better than any other church in history. Main reason being is, it is the only church where all modern day churches have sprung out of. Sure, some will say they never stepped into Rome, nor ever embraced any of her errors, but if you honestly want the Truth, then all one needs to do is investigate the doctrines of all churches to see where they originated. For example, the most graphic example of all the false doctrines that have been embraced by all the other churches has to be the changing of the Bible Sabbath from day seven to day one...



    "Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her; --she could not have SUBSTITUTED the observance of Sunday the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday the seventh day, a change for which there is NO SCRIPTURAL AUTHORITY." -Rev. Stephan Keenan, A Doctrinal Catechism, "On the Obedience Due to the Church," chap. 2, p. 174. (Imprimatur, John Cardinal McCloskey, archbishop of New York.)

    "They [the Protestants] deem it their duty to keep the Sunday holy.  Why?  Because the Catholic Church tells them to do so.  They have no other reason....The observance of Sunday thus comes to be an ecclesiastical law entirely distinct from the divine law of Sabbath observance....The author of the Sunday the Catholic Church." Ecclesiastical Review, February, 1914.



    I actually have many many more quotes regarding the Roman Catholic church's apparent arrogance regarding the Sabbath change. Look around and you will see ALL churches both inside and outside of Rome keep SUNDAY as their Sabbath. Yet there is not a single passage in the Bible that says this is what the Lord suggests for the New Testament Christian. ALL churches are doing as their "mother in Rome" does.

    As we learned earlier, in prophecy, churches are illustrated as "women." A "harlot" is indeed a woman, is it not. So ALL these churches that do as their mother harlot does, are as she is. A harlot. This is why Sabbath keeping Christians are considered "peculiar treasure" of the Lord.

    This is why we, as end time Christians are described as those that are NOT defiled by these women in Revelation 14:4. We truly do not do as these "women" do. By the way, as I alluded to earlier, It's not just "Sunday Keeping" that declares the churches to be daughters of this whore. It's far worse than that.  Does your church do any of the following Roman Catholic rituals?

    Does your church...

    For more info on this, see this... "Are you Catholic?  ...Are you SURE?"

    Now do you understand why the Protestant church is the one that will eventually create the IMAGE TO THE BEAST? Are you aware they already started? Click here for information on what happened in October of 2002! These churches do ALL Rome has taught them to do! They are indeed daughters of the whore, and therefore the church your God has called you OUT OF!


    Antichrist presumes authority to tamper with and change God's law.

    This happens to be the most graphic prophetic characteristic to date. This is the ultimate in exposing the Antichrist in Rome! This actually has a LOT to do with what the mark of the beast actually is. I have all the info regarding that fact on my "mark of the beast" page on the site. I won't go into that detail here because it is rather involved. There is a REASON the Vatican seeks to make the entire Christian world ignore the true Sabbath of the Creator God for their Roman Sunday, but what I want to illustrate here is the fact that they DO ADMIT to have been the ones that attempt to make this change. This characteristic of Antichrist is their masterpiece of deception, as well as the Lord's masterpiece of exposure!

    In the Catechism, of the Roman Catholic Church we see they ripped out the second commandment which forbids image worship, then divided the 10th commandment into two parts so that they still appear to have 10 commandments. This proves they "think to change laws" as Daniel put it. The Roman Catholic Church, not Jesus Christ, changed the Sabbath given at creation week from Saturday, the 7th day to Sunday, the 1st day. And to top it off, the Roman Catholic church ADMITS that very fact...



    "Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change (Saturday Sabbath to Sunday) was her act... And the act is a MARK of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things.” H.F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons.

    "Sunday is our MARK of authority. . .the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact" Catholic Record of London, Ontario Sept 1,1923.

    "Perhaps the boldest thing, the most revolutionary change the Church ever  did, happened in the first century. The holy day, the Sabbath, was changed  from Saturday to Sunday. "The day of the Lord" was chosen, not from any  direction noted in the Scriptures, but from the Church's sense of its own power .... People who think that the Scriptures should be the sole  authority, should logically become Seventh-day Adventists, and keep Saturday  holy." (Saint Catherine Church Sentinel, Algonac, Michigan, May 21, 1995.)

    "The [Catholic] Church took the pagan philosophy and made it the buckler of faith against the heathen. She took the pagan Roman Pantheon, temple of all the gods, and made it sacred to all the martyrs; so it stands to this day. She took the pagan Sunday and made it the Christian Sunday. She took the pagan Easter and made it the feast we celebrate during this season . . . The Sun was a foremost god with heathendom . . . The sun has worshipers at this hour in Persia and other lands . . . Hence the Church would seem to say, 'Keep that old pagan name [Sunday]. It shall remain consecrated, sanctified.' And thus the pagan Sunday, dedicated to Balder, became the Christian Sunday, sacred to Jesus"--William L. Gildea, "Paschale Gaudium," in The Catholic World, 58, March, 1894, p. 809 [A Roman Catholic weekly].
    "Some non-Catholics object to Purgatory because there is no specific mention of it in Scripture. There is no specific mention of the word Sunday in Scripture [either]. The Sabbath is mentioned, but Sabbath means [a keeping of] Saturday. Yet the Christians of almost all denominations worship on Sunday not on Saturday. The Jews observe Saturday. Nowhere in the Bible is it stated that worship should be changed from Saturday to Sunday."--Martin J. Scott, Things Catholics are Asked About, 1927, p.236 [Roman Catholic].

    "It is quite clear that however rigidly or devotedly we may spend Sunday, we are not keeping the Sabbath . . . The Sabbath was founded on a specific, divine command. We can plead no such command for the observance of Sunday . . . There is not a single line in the New Testament to suggest that we incur any penalty by violating the supposed sanctity of Sunday."--Dr. R. Dale, The Ten Commandments, p. 106-107 [British Congregationalist].

    "And where are we told in the Scriptures that we are to keep the first day at all? We are commanded to keep the seventh; but we are nowhere commanded to keep the first day. The reason why we keep the first day of the week holy instead of the seventh is for the same reason that we observe many other things, not because the Bible, but because the church, has enjoined [commanded] it."--Isaac Williams, Plain Sermons on the Catechism, vol 1, pp. 334, 336 [Anglican].

    "The Roman [Catholic] Church reversed the Fourth Commandment by doing away with the Sabbath of God's Word, and instituting Sunday as a holiday"--Nicholas Summerbell, History of the Christian Church, 3rd edition, 1873, p. 415 [Christian Church (Christian Connection)].

    "Sunday is a Catholic institution and its claim to observance can be  defended only on Catholic principles .... From beginning to end of Scripture  there is not a single passage that warrants the transfer of weekly public  worship from the last day of the week to the first." (Catholic Press, Sydney, Australia, August, 1990.)

    Question: How prove you that the church had power command feasts and holydays?

    Answer: By the very fact of changing the Sabbath into Sunday, which Protestants allow of; and therefore they fondly contradict themselves by keeping Sunday strictly, and keep most other feasts commanded by the same church.

    Question: Have any other way of proving that the church has power to institute festivals precept?

    Answer: Had she not such power, she could not a done that in which all modern religionists agree with her;-she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the first day of the way, for the observance of Saturday the seventh day of the week, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority. "-Stephen Keenan, a doctrinal catechism, p. 174

    "It was the Catholic church by the authority of Jesus Christ, which has transferred this rest to Sunday in remembrance of the resurrection of our Lord. Therefore the observance of Sunday by the Protestants is an homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the authority of the Catholic church." - Mgr, Segur Plain Talk about Protestantism of today page 213

    "From this we may understand how great is the authority of the church in interpreting or explaining to us the commandments of God- an authority which is acknowledged by the universal practice of the whole Christian world, even of those sects profess to take the holy Scriptures as their sole rule of faith, since they observe as the day of rest not the seventh day of the week demanded by the Bible, but the first day. Which we know is to be kept holy, only from the tradition and teaching of the Catholic church." - Henry Gibson "Catechism Made Easy" No 2 ninth edition volume one pp. 341, 342 Authoritative quotations on the Sabbath and Sunday.

    "Reason and sense demand the acceptance of one or the other of these alternatives: either Protestantism and the keeping holy of Saturday Catholicism and the keeping holy of Sunday. Compromise is impossible. -James Cardinal Gibbons. Catholic mirror, December 23, 1893



    There you have it. COMPROMISE IS IMPOSSIBLE!“ Either you keep the Bible Sabbath as a Christian, or you keep the Sunday sabbath as a Catholic. Since there is not a single passage in the bible that says God changed the Sabbath. And the Bible does say we should "obey God rather than men." We as Christians should keep the seventh day holy. If we do not, we are graphically stating to all the Universe and the Creator of it, that we choose to obey MEN rather than the Creator of men.

    One last quote regarding Rome's arrogance concerning Sabbath...



    Rome's Challenge 
    Why do Protestants keep Sunday?

    "The Adventists are the only body of Christians with the Bible as their teacher, who could find no warrant in its pages for the change of day from the seventh to the first. Hence their appellation," Seventh-day Adventists. "They're cardinal principle consists in setting apart Saturday for the exclusive worship of God, in conformity with the positive command of God Himself, repeatedly reiterated in the sacred books of the Old and New testaments, literally kept by the children of Israel for thousands of years to this day, and endorsed by the teaching and practice of the Son of God while on earth." -Rome's Challenge, page two

    "Is not yet too late for Protestants to redeem themselves. Will they do it?... will they indeed take the written word only, the Scripture alone, as their sole authority and their sole standard? Or will they still hold the indefensible, self contradictory, and suicidal doctrine and practice of following the authority of the Catholic church and wear the SIGN of her authority? Will they keep the Sabbath of the Lord, the seventh day, according to Scripture? Or will they keep the Sunday according to the tradition of the Catholic church, -Ibid, page 31



    As for the "times" that was changed by Rome? Not only has Rome been instrumental in changing calendars, but when does the DATE change on your wrist watch? Midnight, right? Biblical time change is "Genesis 1:5, "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." Rome now declares MIDNIGHT causes the date to change! For much more info on Rome's admission to changing times and laws, click here.


     Antichrist will use drugs on the masses to control them

    As you read into this passage you will find it is speaking of the Antichrist and his destructive methods upon the people of the world so as to harm as well as control. Notice the word "sorceries" in this passage and how the Word says Antichrist will use it to keep "all nations deceived." Now notice if you will the definition of the word "sorceries" as it is found in the Strong's Concordance.

     5331 pharmakeia {far-mak-i'-ah} from 5332;; n f

    AV - sorcery 2, witchcraft 1; 3

     1) the use or the administering of drugs
     2) poisoning
     3) sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
     4) metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry

    The word "pharmakeia" is where we get the modern word "pharmacy" today. For literally decades the Lord has moved me to declare the Popes of Rome have been active in using Pharmaceutical drugs to better control the people under his rule. I even came across documentation many years later that had evidence that the Vatican was receiving a kickback for every drug sold across the planet. (I believe it was around $5.00 a bottle) But that evidence was mysteriously destroyed. So I never had a way to prove it to scoffers. But now, we have the following article.

    Class action suit is the first of its kind

    (TORONTO, Canada) - A joint media release by The Association of Citizen Prosecutors (ACP) and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) is to be released on "Canada Day", July 1, 2012. It announces the first class action lawsuit in Canadian history to name as co-defendants the Vatican, the Crown of England, Canada and its churches, and big pharmaceutical companies, all of which are accused of crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.

    The lawsuit is brought by Jason Bowman of the ACP and Rev. Kevin Annett of the ITCCS, on behalf of a group of many others. The lawsuit will be explained in detail at a press conference held on the date of filing at the Federal Court Building, on Wednesday, July 4 at 1 pm EST at 180 Queen street West in Toronto. A copy of the July 1 press statement is attached. "Victims of church, state and big pharma are finally uniting to put an end to their terror" said Kevin Annett today.

    "Among other plaintiffs in our class action will be survivors of Canada's genocide against native people, who have never had their day in court. The whitewash is over. More than 50,000 murdered children will finally be confronting Canada and the Catholic, Anglican and United Church, and placing them all on trial".

    For information contact Jason Bowman at 705-250-0221 and Kevin Annett at 250-591-4573.

    online source

    Finally we have our smoking gun that the Vatican is in fact involved in the manufacturing and distribuiting of Pharmaceutical drugs, just as our Lord's prophecy stated long ago.


    The Presents of God ministry